Wind accuracy testing on a vehicle

Hi has anyone put one of these on their vehicle on a calm-air morning to see if the wind reading is even close to accurate?
I suspect the main issue with the wind gust reporting, as I understand it, is that sampling ocurrs at regular intervals and is then averaged over 3 seconds. So unless the wind gust sustains exactly at the same level over roughly 5 seconds, the wind gust averaged reported value could be far less than actual. But the vehicle test (or calibrated wind chamber if someone has one of those) would at least show if it’s even capable of measuring accurate speeds. I cobbled together a python script to massage my wind readings to something I feel is more accurate, and then display on a Blynk interface in real time. It helps. My Tempest is mounted up a 33ft pole so not easy to bring down to test. Anecdotally, I was looking a many Tempest stations along the coast of FL during an approaching hurricane about to make landfall and it was laughable. Most were under 13 MPH.

@iladyman has done so with the sky unit (previous generation of tempest, but uses the same technology) and found it to be very accurate compared to the GPS speed.

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