A new version of the WeatherFlow PiConsole is now available: v24.5.1 -> small issue

Just did the update

wfpiconsole stop & update went normal
when I issued a wfpiconsole start it ended with the horrible can’t connect to x server …

a little sudo reboot and all is well again. Just you know, reboot the pi and it will most probably be ok.


Strange! I’ve seen a few reports of this ‘can’t connect to x server’ error, but have never been able to track it down or recreate it. Glad a reboot sorted it out for you!

I updated without issue.

Trying to update from 24.3.1 to 24.5.1…and I get this error:

This is a strange looking error. I would try and delete the entire Python virtual environment using

rm -rf ~/wfpiconsole/venv

and then try the update again. It will take longer second time around as it will need to reinstall all the Python packages


(Running on Rpi400 - Bookworm)
tried updating and keep getting this error …

pi@tempest3:~ $ wfpiconsole update

  [✓] Root user check passed
  [!] Architecture check warning (arm64)
  [✓] OS check passed (Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm))
  [✓] Raspberry Pi check passed (Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.0)

  [!] WARNING: unsupported architecture or Raspberry Pi detected
      No support is available for errors encountered while running
      the PiConsole

  Updating WeatherFlow PiConsole

  [✓] Checking for updated packages
  [i] No updated packages found

  [i] WeatherFlow PiConsole dependency checks...
  [✓] Checking for git
  [✓] Checking for curl
  [i] Checking for rng-tools (will be installed)
  [✓] Checking for build-essential
  [✓] Checking for python3-dev
  [✓] Checking for python3-pip
  [✓] Checking for python3-setuptools
  [✓] Checking for libssl-dev
  [✓] Checking for libffi-dev
  [✓] Checking for libatlas-base-dev
  [✓] Checking for libopenblas-dev
  [✓] Checking for jq

  [i] Installing Python virtual environment... already exists

  [i] Updating WeatherFlow PiConsole Python modules...
  [✓] Updating Python package manager

  [✓] Kivy Python library installation check

  [i] Latest version of WeatherFlow PiConsole: v24.5.1
  [i] Installed version of WeatherFlow PiConsole: v23.11.1

  [✗] Updating WeatherFlow PiConsole to v24.5.1
  Error: Unable to update WeatherFlow PiConsole

 fatal: unknown index entry format 0xffff0000

Had to Google this: github - git - fatal: Unknown index entry format - Stack Overflow

Try running

rm -f ~/wfpiconsole/.git/index
cd ~/wfpiconsole/
git reset

and then try updating again



Thanks again for all your work on this wonderful project.

working perfectly again… :slight_smile:

1 Like

Having an issue with my install. I am installing a PiConsole in our Emergency Operations Center, hooked to an HDMI Matrix that feeds displays throughout the building. When I hook my Pi up to a regular monitor in my office, everything works as expected. However when I hook the Pi up to the Matrix, it boots to a Raspberry Pi GUI Login screen, and not Pi Console. It does this every time. Any idea why it would behave this way?

It probably thinks the HDMI matrix is a second monitor and your os is configured to run the console on the other monitor. Just a guess. If you can hook up both HDMI devices you’ll perhaps see piconsole on the regular monitor.

Not sure exactly what the problem is here, but it is likely related to the Pi and the HDMI matrix rather than the PiConsole. Consider having a look at the configuration options under Boot / auto login. There are a number of options there that control whether the Pi automatically logs in, or requires a username/password to be entered

Thanks. I’ll give that a try.