Camera accesssory

Would be nice to have a camera accessory where not only does it show you the weather from your station but shows your camera through the app in real time.

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A 360° panoramic camera that you could mount underneath the Tempest on a 1" pole would be fun. One that expanded the vertical so that you could have shots of inquisitive birds as they decide if it’s safe to land. Power would probably be a tough obstacle for a lot of people.

Do some research and find a camera that meets those wants then post it here so it can be voted on. If there is enough support WeatherFlow may look into supporting it in the applications.


For me it was an idea as I really don’t know much about cameras and probably couldn’t afford one. :pensive:
I will however take a look at what is out there like that and let you know. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about this here will already have some ideas to share.
In other words, help the rookie who opened his mouth without much of a clue. :flushed:

Yes a great solution. Even if they allowed webcam integration in the app would be great

you might want to read this Web Cam Suggestion?
I used a very affordable chinese camera with results like this

I live in snow country a camera like this link would be neat.

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