This is great. We have it working nicely. Question, did you ever integrate any of the “forecast” objects? All of the real time all the fields from /observations/getStationObservation are there, but none from forecast/getBetterForecast. We are trying to add simple things like High and low temp for the current day… I know that is not really the point of the tempest unit, but using that one API/Module seems better than trying to use another weather service for forecast and Tempest for actual.
When I wrote this Crestron had the smart graphics weather object and I just didn’t see a reason to grab forecast data from WeatherFlow and then people would have to create their own UI to display it. My purpose for creating the Crestron-WeatherFlow integration was to be able to drive automations with hyperlocal data. i.e. temperature, wind, rain, etc.
That being said, I don’t believe it would really be that hard to expand the module to include forecast info but I just never thought anyone would use that information.
Yeah, the Smart graphics weather package went away in 2020… So, we are either stuck with scraping pages or using another service. Since we already have Tempest deployed at many sites, using their forecast is ideal. Any chance you are up for the challenge to add it?
I took a quick look at this. The data is very easy to obtain using the REST API. The challenge is dealing with the volume of data. There is 10 days worth of data and each day has 12 data elements. Not too bad. However, the hourly data is the real challenge. There are well over 200 hours worth of data. Each hour has 18 data elements. That is over 3600 pieces of data. I’m not quite sure how that could even be dealt with in Simpl or displayed.
The daily for 7 days and maybe The hourly for the current day? But anything else is overkill. Right. Are you able to filter thst with the API or, would you have to read in all the data? If so, I would say don’t do any of the hourly data. All we really need is the current day forecast!
I think what I can do is that there will be a separate module for the forecast. The outputs will be one day of data and one hour of data. Inputs will be previous/next digital inputs for day and previous/next inputs for hour. There will be a refresh button to retrieve the data. This will populate the outputs with day 1 data and hour 1 data. Then the user can press prev/next buttons to get data for additional days / hours.
There are also a bunch of other data elements that come with the forecast but aren’t hour/day related and those will also have outputs.
Hey Jay. Do you want to DM me to discuss this? Happy to send something your way in return for this feature add. I am sure you have plenty of other things to do!
I am facing the issue in my tempest integration. it show this error in toolbox.
WeatherFlow-Error Obtaining WeatherFlow Datapoints
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException (System.Boolean overflow, System.String overflowResourceKey) [0x0001a] in <2ad40006e9c141b299c9c7c533021a74>:0
at System.Number.ParseDouble (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles styles, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info) [0x0007d] in <2ad40006e9c141b299c9c7c533021a74>:0
at System.Double.Parse (System.String s, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x0001b] in <2ad40006e9c141b299c9c7c533021a74>:0
at System.Convert.ToDouble (System.String value) [0x00013] in <2ad40006e9c141b299c9c7c533021a74>:0
at WeatherFlowV2.WeatherFlowV2_Integration.String_To_Scaled_Short (System.String s, System.Double scaler) [0x00000] in <580cf598e8074f1fb99acd94adfc582c>:0
at WeatherFlowV2.WeatherFlowV2_Integration.String_Data_To_Analogs () [0x00171] in <580cf598e8074f1fb99acd94adfc582c>:0
at WeatherFlowV2.WeatherFlowV2_Integration.Parse_Observation_Data (System.String s) [0x00518] in <580cf598e8074f1fb99acd94adfc582c>:0
at WeatherFlowV2.WeatherFlowV2_Integration.Main_Timer_Thread (System.Object unused) [0x00047] in <580cf598e8074f1fb99acd94adfc582c>:0