Does Tempest offer an indoor wall mount monitor for one who wants data visible to those withour smart phones?

Wall mount monitor for those without smart phones to observe conditions ?? I have a smart phone but it would be nice to have info available to those without smart phones…does Tempest offer that ? Can’t seem to find something like that…

In short…
The answer is No.

There are options, but nothing offered by WeatherFlow.

No such device is offered or on their product road map. Production costs for the small number of devices that they would sell are higher than using available consumer devices. With Black Friday sales, you can pick up an Amazon Fire or other Android tablet and wall mounts for much less than WF-T can manufacture a dedicated display.

If you look in the third-party forum section here, you can find Pi Console and a few different Android app options…


Thanks so much…I was afraid that was the answer but I’ll start looking elsewhere…

Missing where you’ll look. Get a kindle fire. Install FullyKioskBrowser onto it. Set it to open the web page of your choice. Done.

Ok. Thanks for the info :+1: