There was indeed a problem in the back end of Weatherflow starting around 2am. It was solved in the mean time but I have no idea if it will back fill. I suppose not but I have asked internally. If I get an answer I’ll let you know.
Sorry for this but at the rate the new Tempest are coming online, little hiccups happen. Apologies again.
The bigger question is whether or not IBM has a service that we can subscribe to on those rare occasions when WU is working for everyone? If you look up train wreck in Wikipedia, it says “See Weather Underground” with this picture…
Obligatory weewx mention here - there’s a utility if you use that software that queries and uploads missing records (not that I’d bother any more, as WU is spiralling into irrelevancy these days).
Obligatory weewx mention here - there’s a utility if you use that software that queries and uploads missing records (not that I’d bother any more, as WU is spiralling into irrelevancy these days).
I know that’s why I was hoping that WeatherFlow would have native support with OpenWeatherMap. Only reason why I installed the WU app is because that’s the only integration out of the box that WeatherFlow has