How to publish my Tempest weatherstation reading to website

I just installed the Tempest Weatherstation and I was looking how to publish some of the readings like temperature, rain, pressure, wind, UV and lightning.
Perhaps there are already some (PHP) scripts I could use, but I didn’t find them.
I was thinking about integrating it on my opening page in a iframe with about width=“1100” height=“160”.
Does anyone could help me with this?

Are you wanting it on your own personal website?

I am working in a product that will do just that. PM me if you are interested in helping with development as a beta tester.

Hi, yes on my personal website.
I build my website in HTML and a few pages with PHP script for some purposes. I do understand HTML but just a little bit of PHP. Thats why I asked for such a script.
Looking forward to test your script.

P.S. could not send a Personal Message!
Regards, Henk

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Henk now you should be able to send a PM, pushed your level 1 up.

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I have leave you a PM
I can support you with testing off you code on a internal/external LAMP (Linux, Apache,Mysql,PHP) environment and access to my own Tempest

I run a Wordpress personal website and I will start testing my new Tempest integration soon. not sure if your solution is for Wordpress but if you need a beta tester for Wordpress let me know :+1:t2:

If you’re looking for a wp plugin, then there’s @pierre plugin that has Weatherflow as standard data source included

Weather Station

Great, will try it. Thanks.

I guess you do realise that the weatherflow Tempest pages work in an iframe. Just to be sure that you do this would be an example using my station.
Something like this:

But I use the iframe to display a graph like this:

cheers Ian :slight_smile:

Ian, thanks for your suggestion. But I am looking for a ‘clean’ visualization of the weather, it should fit into the frame area without scrolling. I am looking for something I have with my former weather station as on my website
I guess someone would have a script that could handle this. A little modification is no problem.

Good day, is there any PHP code I can use to customize the data display on my website? It is Dec 2024 now and hopefully there are different ways available to display Tempest Weather Station data.

You’re going to have to explain what you want to do in more detail or what you’re expecting might already exist. If you run weewx you can do just about anything you can cook up re: publishing custom dashboards in any language you can think of. For example, the Saratoga skin/templates are super ugly php under the hood.

Well, right now I’ve got a page with
which works fine but takes a lot of real estate space. What I want to achieve is to display several weather stations data but have only one line for each station, in that line I want to display only some select data such as temperature, wetbulb, wind and wind direction, precipitation with a button to expand the full details of that particular station. I am not aware of weewx and Saratoga but willing to try them if you think they can be used in my case.

The code currently on my page:

<iframe id="weatherflowframe" class="inserted_frame station_myweatherstationID" src=""></iframe>

Really comes down to whether you have a little Linux computer you can run weewx on, which is pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it, as well as which stations you want to display and how their data is available to that computer.

If you can self-host one box pretty much anything you can think of is doable, but I did IT and admin type software dev stuff for decades FWIW.

My weewx site pushes to my Amazon Lightsail VM every 5 minutes. Cost is about $5/month for the VM there. Data includes:

  • AQI from a Purple Air sensor
  • Ecowitt station temp+hum data from 5 rooms and outside
  • Davis VP2 data for most of the weather data
  • all overlaid in common graphs and web pages I cooked up

The only reason I mentioned the Saratoga templates is you mentioned PHP. Lots of other ways to get there if you want to do Javascript or Python or many other ways. Whatever you’re comfortable with.

Link to my website dashboards is in my profile if you check it out. Be nice to my tiny Lightsail server please.

Oh I see, thank you for the detailed explanation. The way I have it setup is I have several Tempest Weather Stations and a hosted Linux server, so I guess my option is to have PHP do REST API calls to the weather stations via public IP as the server is not close to the stations. I was thinking Tempest has multiple layouts to display data, but I guess there is only one - the iframe that I’ve posted? If there is no standard way to have alternative presentations of data I guess I’ll have to pull the data via API and format it on my side using HTML/CSS, I am correct?

Short answer is - sure, hit the WF endpoints and you can easily get data and forecast and alerts in JSON format and cook up whatever look’n’feel you want if you spend the time to do so.

Example - just hit’ to grab all the data for a particular station into JSON format, including forecasts, then do with it whatever you want.

A nice example of a dashboard that hits the URL endpoint occasionally via cron is GitHub - OG-Anorine/Tempest-7.5-E-Paper-Display: Raspberry Pi weather display using Waveshare e-paper display and Tempest weather station data which also gets Forecasts from WF and Alerts from NWS and displays on a 7.5" epaper display. Beautiful.

FWIW - I forked his project to make the code a bit more supportable by me here and to get the data differently by just grabbing a URL with JSON-formatted data in it (which I generate here with a simple weewx skin) and display it on my e-paper display that looks the same. My variant gets Weather Forecasts and alerts from the NWS and do not rely on WF at all.

My fork and branch to look at is at weewx-epaper/ at twocolor · vinceskahan/weewx-epaper · GitHub if you’re interested. Again python. I also use a little config file rather than hardcoding things in the code - example is weewx-epaper/config.json.example at twocolor · vinceskahan/weewx-epaper · GitHub

Or subscribe to websockets ala the nice wfpiconsole app mentioned a lot here (python) if you want a more realtime set of data that continually updates.

Too many ways to get there to even mention, but if you’re ok with hitting the WF endpoints and relying on their servers to be there and not return garbage, just hitting their endpoints is sure straightforward. I tend to want a LAN-only solution so I self-host here on a pi4.

Thank you for the links. Do you know if there are parameters that can be changed for the iframe? Like displaying data vertically/horizontally, which data to display, use the icons or not, etc?

<iframe id="weatherflowframe" class="inserted_frame station_myweatherstationID" src=""></iframe>

Sorry - nope. I have no idea in the least there.

Hi Steve4,
Using the iframe is like displaying a web page within the iframe. The iframe enables more than one web page to be displayed within the single browser window by using more iframes. Weatherflow Tempest have nothing to do with the iframe. Weatherflow Tempest provide a view using a web browser but they can and have sometimes changed what that view looks like. If you display the Weatherflow Tempest web page in the iframe the options are the same as if you were viewing it in a normal single browser window. What I do is copy the link from the browser window address bar that you like and paste it into the iframe address. Then there are size and position properties of your iframe that you can arrange.

FYI. There are several topics in this forum discussing different techniques of creating a display and there is a developer group.

If you use the search magnifying glass you will find several ways of creating a data display.
Many of us have created our own displays and several have posted their code in github.
Personally I use python and call the API and display the data how I want it because I like trends.
Weewx makes that process easier because the hard work has already been done and provides a web view of your data in many different and changeable views.
I dont recall many using PHP but it is sometimes mentioned.
Here is the result of searching this forum for PHP
cheers Ian :slight_smile: