My Tempest arrived today with station at 133 and hub at 143. Seems to be working fine.
My tempest has been performing flawlessly since installation - until this morning. My app shows my tempest is online - I have the latest firmware - but suddenly the app shows no temperature, no pressure, wind or uv. I am getting a sensor status failure in the settings for Pressure, wind and UV. I have left a voice message and an email message to support. Have heard nothing - but does this sound like a firmware update issue? I hope to hear from someone soon. I’m hopelessly hooked on my tempest so I want to get it back up asap. Thanks
Hello Howard
your Tempest isn’t seeing much sun, seems to be much in the shadow ?? Your battery is at 2.39V, way too low and in power safe mode.
Can you move it somewhere where it can get much more sun ? At least 2 hours a day on average and in this situation most probably a good full day to fill it up again.
Once the battery is back to normal levels it will come back normal, I can reboot it to restore the sensors but it’ll fail again due to low battery level.
Hi Eric – if the voltage was low, perhaps it was because I had the tempest in the house for several hours today trying to analyze the issue myself – without much luck. I can assure you the unit gets at least two hours of sun each day…and usually a lot more.
I put it back outside in its usual place 4-5 hours ago. App shows it’s at 2.4 volts which is says is “Good”. However, still no temp, pressure wind or UV. If you think rebooting would help I invite you to do so.
As I said – I have never had a bit of trouble with the tempest in all the months I have had it.
Could be the rebooting issue that everyone is having here… New Tempest firmware: v134
Thanks Ben - So is there anything further I should do to be sure if it IS that reboot issue I’ll get the solution when it’s available?
You should look at your uptime here to make sure that it is rebooting. If not, it’s probably another issue. Just replace {your_station-id} in the following url.
Is it probably not this issue if my uptime in now 8 h 20m and counting? Please advise.
Is that your Tempest? (Look at the name ST listed in the serial number) If so and you didn’t turn it off, it probably is being affected by the rebooting issue.
I guess the best way to tell is to watch the uptime on your tempest. If it goes back to 0 multiple times then it probably is rebooting.
Ok. So is there anything further I need to do - or when the issue is resolved will everyone get a firmware update?
Weather Flow know about the issue and are looking into what’s causing it. They will release a firmware update once it’s sorted out.
I apologize for all the questions but we are involved in a nonlinear conversation and you are speaking with someone who loves weather but doesn’t understand the weatherflow and Tempest technology as well as you…
So if tomorrow if I’ve had 24 hours of uptime but am still getting sensor defaults (no readings) what should I do. Wait for the firmware update or get help solving some other issue?
I would suggest to get help. The automatic rebooting happens less than every 24 hours and it’s random.
But even if you are not getting any readings at all, it may be a completely different issue. The rebooting isn’t affecting people’s sensors, it just turns the Tempest off so they miss out on data. Tbh I’m new to tempest too. I’ve just been reading the forum.
Howard, I just rebooted your Tempest and all sensors are back online as expected. Look at your solar radiation graph (in the past) and you will see solar radiation above 350w/m^2 (which is a comfort level for charging) is with short bursts and hardly ever for longer periods.
Anyway let’s see if today (if you have some sun) it starts to charge normally and if sensors hold.
Thanks Eric - I noticed the sensors had returned when I looked at things this morning although if I look at the history since reboot of, say, the temperature it was a bit “wonky” until about noon today. But at no time did it give me any failure messages. Right now it has been working consistently (uptime almost 14 hours which appears to be about the same time you rebooted.) Battery is at 2.41 volts. I also noticed the firmware version was returned to 134. Anyway - thanks for the reboot and getting things back on track for now. I’ll keep an eye it and let you know if it happens again.
Ok, I have searched the software on desktop and on my ios app. How do i update my firmware for the hub or the software? is it automatic for both? I don’t see notifictations saying upgrade now even a place to check the firmware for the hub? So confusing reading this form on this topic.
It’s automatically done by WeatherFlow
You can check the firmware for you weather station here:{your-station-id}/status
Just replace {your-station-id}.