For those that may be thinking about purchasing the WeatherFlow Station…
So far I am very happy with the WF Station, in the short time that I have had it it seems to actually be better than my Davis station. As rain seems to be a problem for some, my observations of both station in that regard are pretty close. For instance today - WF notified me immediately that it was raining. When it stopped it said .13 inches had fallen, the Davis reported .10, fairly close and without tonights possible correction from WF.
Wind reaction and accuracy actually seems much better on the WF, it could be that my Davis is getting tired. When I see the trees moving I would expect readings and that’s exactly what the WF is doing, the Davis lags behind and readings are almost always lower.
Lightning - In two weeks I have only one false reading but I believe that was caused by a transformer blowing up in a nearby neighborhood!
My Davis does not have UV/Solar so obviously WF is better!
Barometer is spot on as are temperature readings. I am running the WF through Weather-Display which lets you use both devices at the same time, you can pick which readings you want the program to take. So I have WF doing everything except rain for the time being. Feel free to check the readings on my weather site at