I received my new WF station, Appeared nice and sturdy.
I have mounted my station next to my Davis VP2 to compare readings before I trust any new system.
Here are some of the issues I have encountered so far.
Sunday 12-2-2018
We had rain today
Davis rain gauge .69
WF .28
We had light rain all day , Not mist a light rain WF could not detect
Wind direction was all over the place
Davis was NNE
Fogged rolled in
WF showed winds up to 6 MPH
Davis was calm winds.(I know the Davis it is less sensitive but all day I monitored both system davis would read 2 MPH winds when WF was at 2 MPH also)
**Barometer **
Davis 29.60 Local stations around me were 29.59 , 29.61
WF 29.68
I also observed sporadic wind gust from WF throughout the day
I would see calm winds, A big jump to 6 MPH then immediately goto 0 mph Davis stayed at 0 MPH
So far in my 2 days of using this unit I am not impressed.
I am not convinced my data is accurate enough from WF to send to the NOAA
This system was going to be on an 1000 foot mountain.
I am not sure I can trust the readings. Maybe this system is not designed for cold weather, or rainy conditions or even fog.
It seams any of these conditions so far has made the system, act erratic.
Is there to get into the hub to make changes, Low power / High power.
Change update times for windspeed / Temp ETC.
Lets see how another week goes with this system.
ID -5840 If you would like to look at the data.
I can send my Davis data if you want to compare.
Any ideas would be great.
Another station close to meID 4873
Matches my davis readings but not my WF in some cases.
Amateur Radio (K1DED)