I had my first rain since I set-up my station.
Rain -
WeatherFlow - .23 inches
Davis Tipping Bucket - .08 inches
Manual Gauge - .09 inches
So WeatheFlow is .14 inches higher. This was a very light rain that lasted about an hour or so.
Wind -
Early this morning I had the most wind since my installation -
Davis unit had a gust of 22.0 mph at 01:57 Hrs
WeatherFlow had a gust of 18.8 mph at 01:54 Hrs
These units are about one foot apart, with Sky slightly higher.
My air unit tends to run around 2 degrees cooler than my Davis readings for Temperature and Humidity is approximately 7 degrees higher than the Davis unit. Right now the WeatherFlow is reading 94 degrees humidity and Davis is 87 degrees. This is at dusk shortly after the rain storm.
The difference in temperature and humidity vary depending what the temperature is, they get closer to equal as the temperature goes down. But, have not had a temp below mid 60’s yet.
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Another rain report
Manual Gauge - 1.44 inches
Smart Weather App - 1.5 inches
Weather Display w/weatherflow - 1.43 inches
Weather Display w/ Davis tipping bucket - 1.42 inches
Looks like the Smartweather App is over reporting a small amount.
More rain coming up, will see how that goes, but this rain incident is much improved from the first report
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@johnmac78 thanks for sharing the comparison data ! Is your Davis calibrated and certified?
No, my Davis is not calibrated and/or certified other than me comparing with my Stratus manual rain gauge
Roger that @johnmac78 And remember, we have not unleashed the WF auto-calibration / applied machine learning system for rain accumulation yet. Expect rain accum values to improve dramatically once the system is deployed.
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I hope you don’t mind me making a quick post regarding temps / wind?
I just wanted to emphasise some of yesterday’s stats…
Both my Davis VP2 and WF recorded the same minimum temperature at exactly the same time. I thought that was excellent until I saw the maximum temperatures. Again, both the VP2 and WF had the same maximum at exactly the same time.
On the wind side of things, VP2 hit 30mph, the WF 29.2mph, and that was also at the same time.
Not bad, eh? 
OK, new update. Starting around 2AM this morning, I had a rain event which is still going on. The rain is very light, but my Davis tipping bucket is showing .06 inches of rain, as is the manual gauge.
The smart weather app showed a rain alert at 2:15AM and that also shows on the graph, but no other rain has been indicated. Any thoughts on this sudden change to the lack of rain reporting?
New update - We had a two day rain event and here are the results. Sky finally started reporting rain well in to the rain event
Manual Gauge - .28 inches
Sky - .15 inches
Davis tipping gauge - .26 inches
It appears that Sky is now under reporting vs. over reporting
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