Option to turn Hub's LED off (was LED brightness in latest firmware)

:+1: for the new latest software and the simpler LED colors.

Request: please reduce brightness 50%, at night it lights up the whole room.


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not sure if they could control that via firmware
but you could put some tape over it?

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You can get these to solve all your bright LED issues.



Should be easily solved by changing the setting in the FW. It’s a gateway so not difficult.

Electrical tape is an easy solution but…why? Aesthetically challenging :-1:

that’s only if the brightness was setup hardware wise to be controlled software wise


Yes, this is a known issue with the v1.0 Hub hardware. The green LED has the wrong resistor value on it. Although possible there’s no practical/easy way to dim it with firmware. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to adjust it until the next version of the Hub’s circuit and the next production run.

Yes, electrical tape is the most common solution to annoying LEDs (bright or otherwise). But I like @GaryFunk’s idea. There’s another one that offers stickers in different size and colors: http://lightdims.com/store.htm


Now you have opened a can of worms. You are going to have to offer an upgrade path so we can purchase newer hardware when it is available.


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Better then would be to revert to the “off” condition in the previous FW. No need for a permanent bright light telling you the unit is connected, I can look at the app to see that.

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that was our thinking as well and was the original reason the light was off in earlier versions. However, in practice having “no light” when everything’s fine makes it confusing to users and difficult to troubleshoot (is the Hub even receiving power?).

We recognize that the bright light is an issue (it annoys me too), but since it’s easier to block out a light that’s ON (with electrical tape or by just putting it in a closet) than it is to make a light that’s OFF shine, we elected to go with the always-on behavior.


Yes. The light should remain on. It’s the intensity that needs to be address in a future hardware build.

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Light on for 60 mins after boot, then off. Simple solution for vast majority of troubleshooting cases?

Had mine running for many months without light and wasn’t confused even once. :wink:

One person’s annoyance is another person’s feature! My hub is outside my bathroom door, and works great as a free night light for those 2:00 AM nature calls… :toilet: :rofl:


Yes. In this case, it’s easier for any individual to block the light as needed.

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having been accustomed to seeing it i would be at a loss if it wasnt there useful quick reference if it wasnt on probably think there is something wrong… keep it please if aint broke dont fix it…

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In my case and for testing, I have the Hub in an open area where I can early watch it. The light is bright enough that it gets my attention when it changes and I can immediately investigate to see why it changed.

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On that “put the Hub in a closet” thought, is there a wall-mount bracket (or STL file) either available or in the works???

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I understand without proper hardware controls that controlling the intensity isin’t possible. But how about an always on option in the settings? Seems simple.


With the current hardware, is it possible to re-purpose the green mode as a packet transmit “blip” without messing up the firmware timing? When the Sky finally ships, the LED would blip for each rapid_wind observation. That should be enough for troubleshooting (and useful as well!), yet not annoy people by staying constantly on…

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Good idea and should be very useful. Indicating it is on and sending data.

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Because a flashing light is so much better than a constant one?