The Status LED was updated to remain on and show a different status based on internal functions. Which do you prefer?
- The Status LED being on is preferred.
- The Status LED should stay off when normal.
0 voters
The Status LED was updated to remain on and show a different status based on internal functions. Which do you prefer?
0 voters
I think an option for always on in the settings should be added. Then everyone wins.
@bill To whom are you addressing your reply?
Option to disable would be my preferred choice.
I agree. I only listed the two ‘known’ options.
What I would suggest as an end user, an option to show Green status for a time period. Other colors should show when they are in their state, Green should show on initial start, and turn off within a time period, like 3 minutes after service restoration.
The problem for me is that the hub is located in a bedroom, and because I have a early edition of the hub, the LED is rather intense, the entire hub glows green when the lights are out.
How would one know if the Hub failed? The power adapter could have failed or the internal power system could have failed.
I thought the same thing, but dead is dead, if you reset the power the green light would come on, and then fade to dark. And it is an option for the owner. WF has stated somwhere in these forums that they need to add a resistor to decrease the brightness of the led.
Yes, there will be a change to future Hub firmware.