My first tempest had a temperature sensor failure after 4 years, I got a 50% replacement. I decided to play around with the old sensor unit, just because I could. I may have held down the LED button too long on the base as I got a lot of flashing lights, not just the normal green fast flash startup ones.
Now when I power on the sensor unit the LED is blank for a few seconds, then I get a solid green for about 5 seconds then a slow flashing red forever. If I hold down the reset button during this time I get the series of fast flashing greens that I would expect on startup, but it appears there in no communication with the HUB
The flashing red appears to be sending a status message as there are occasional shorter flashes, or shorter pauses in the sequence. After start it shows 2 slow red flashes then a fast one followed by 5 long flashes and one short and then I went cross eyed trying to count them, but it always starts with the same sequence. Just to add a little more intrigue, some times on start the red flashing LED is replaced by a green one, but again the same sequence. These flashes have been running for over 12 hours.
Is there a way that the sensor unit can be reset if it is not connecting to the hub, is there a way to determine if it is connected, and finally is there a listing of any LED status messages?