PiConsole over VNC - can't interact with secondary panels or settings buttons & taskbar stays visible

Hi all,

Experiencing some new issues running wfpiconsole via VNC on an Android tablet. Previously the taskbar would disappear when the console was started and I could interact with the secondary panel and settings buttons, but now the taskbar remains visible and I’m unable to interact with the secondary panel or settings buttons at all.

Any advice on troubleshooting this would be much appreciated.


Is the taskbar also visible on the Pi that is running the PiConsole?

To try and fix, right click on the task bar panel and select panel settings. Select the Advanced tab. Untick Reserved space, and not covered by maximised windows or tick Minimise panel when not in use and set Size when minimised to zero pixels. These suggestions are from memory, so the options might have moved or be worded differently

Thanks for the quick response.

Ticking the minimize setting and setting size to 0 pixels fixed the taskbar showing at the top, however I’m still unable to interact with the secondary panel buttons or settings.

Can you interact with the secondary panel buttons and settings on the Pi itself?

Not really sure what was going on; my Pi is wired up to a router in a spot that makes it hard to attach an external monitor, mouse, and keyboard.

Just got around to deleting the /home/pi/wfpiconsole folder and re-installed it; all the buttons and settings are working over VNC again.

Only remaining minor issue on my end is with the rainfall panel when 6 panels are set; the rain gauge graphic is always showing and extends beyond the panel border. It seldom rains in Southern California though, so I tend to just check the mobile app when it happens.

That is strange. I have tried to recreate here, but I don’t see the same at all. Do you see the same on the Pi itself, or is this just something you see over VNC?