Station ID 20970
After having the Tempest online for a couple days I noticed that it was not taking readings. A little later I received a message stating that the station was offline. Looked at the status and the hub was online but the device was not. Retrieved the device and brought it inside to try to re-pair it with the hub. Went through the sequence several times with no success. The device was displaying a red light and would not go into pairing mode. Removed the device and tried to re add it with no success. Finally I completely removed everything and did a complete setup from scratch. After that I was able to get it back online but still wasn’t getting readings. Looked at the sensor status and it said…wind failed, temperature failed, rh failed, lightning failed, pressure failed, uv failed. I power cycled the unit several more times with no luck. Placed unit back outside and checked the data periodically. A little while later the temp, RH, and UV began reading again. However the pressure and wind sensors are still not working. Any help would be appreciated.