I have been on an extended vacation. My system went down on June 18, 2022. I returned yesterday and rebooted my hub and connected to my WiFi system. I was unable to connect my hub to my Tempest Device. I took down the device and powered it off and back on again. I have no LED indication at all. I assume my battery may have gone dead. Is there a way to recharge the battery on the device?
Sounds like the battery in the Tempest may have been depleted beyond Solar charging. Tempest is probably a candidate for the Power Booster Accessory (Power Booster Accessory – WeatherFlow) unless one of the “Tech gurus” knows of another work-around without having to purchase the PBA.
toggle the switch several times back and forth … sometimes some micro corrosion can settle in. Was it in the sun on a regular basis ? Maybe try to let it some on a table in full sun with the switch set to on. If after a good day of sun you switch it again and no led comes up I guess it is dead.
In that case open a support ticket and they’ll help you out ( replace it)