I was up during the night watching Milton pass over my house here in Titusville FL. I was watching Rainfall, Wind and Pressure. For a while I was seeing the Tempest show extreme rainfall even though it wasn’t raining at the time (No, there was no bird on the gauge during 40 mph winds). Over time about 6 inches of rain were accumulated. I switched to wind and came back to rain and suddenly only 1.5 inches of rain had accumulated and the very high rain rates (30"/hr) were all adjusted to almost zero. I did notice that other stations in the area were more consistent with the 1.5 inches. Does some kind of recalibration or adjustment taking place automatically?
I am guessing you are looking at the Nearcast presentation of rainfall … https://help.tempest.earth/hc/en-us/articles/360024436634-NC-Rain-Nearcast-Rain . If you want to see exactly what your station is reporting, disable Nearcast (see the end of the page reached by that link).
Depending on how the Tempest is mounted, rainfall rates and accumulations can be incorrectly inflated due to induced vibrations from the winds, so, if you see something like this when it is windy, Nearcast may be a better source than what your haptic rain sensor is reporting.
I didn’t know about the NC Rain option. Indeed it was turned on. I guess the recalibration takes place retroactively on a periodic basis. Thanks!