Simple WU weather sent to another URI. Simple, why isn't this done yet?

I quote… “If you have a weather station that lets you modify the upload destination for Weather Underground upload protocol then you can upload to PWSweather-dot-com” -How to upload to - usable servers and paths

Why do we not have an option to change the upload address for our WU data yet? I purchased this whole system to work with my B-Hyve and it only accepts data from Come on! Time to pony up the simple fix to allow us to modify the WU data upload URI to use with other services that accept WU data.

Check the following thread, you can use this Google Apps Script developed by Leo Herzog to send your Tempest weather data to PWS weather. It uses the Tempest API key and runs from the Google Server so no need for any additional hardware.

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:wave: Let me know if you try it out and have any questions

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That is quite a remarkably entitled demanding post. You might think about asking for things rather than yelling and stamping your feet. It tends to get better results.