Hopefully I will receive my Sky here in NZ soon. I will have two arriving (one for my Dad). I am wondering if there would be any advantage of setting both up and allowing them to calibrate together? Having a scientific background I know even the best instrumentation requires calibration, so for rainfall, I plan to check with a manual rain gauge (the funnel and with measuring cylinder type). I’m thinking of mounting all three at ground level (1-2m) for the calibration period (Later will roof mount for clean wind fetch). It’s winter here, so rain should not be far away. For wind, I don’t have anything to directly compare with but will do some spot checks with a Weather flow Weathermeter and a hotwire anemometer.
What effect does moving a Sky after it has self-calibrated have? I guess the rain will be ok but the anemometer will be affected? One Sky will be couriered 700km.
I assume it is relatively easy to associate and disassociate a sky from one hub to another?