Good experiment to show how much solar energy is causing higher than
actual air temp even in the shade.
Incredible, when did you arrive ?
It’s been over a year and no high temperature readings.
I assume this location never sees sun? Before I put mine in a radiation shield, I would get temps 2-4 degrees higher than my VP2. I can’t imagine how direct sun wouldn’t impact temps on an unshielded Air.
It never sees sun, it’s mostly dry and always gets good air flow. The temperature always compares to an Air that is placed in a different location. If temperature is affected, it would be lower.
Can I use your location?
My new SPA running Air since yesterday afternoon in full shade under eaves with cloudy/rain weather all day today.
@dsj How often does the Air measure the DC voltage?
So, the Air is also compatible with the solar accessory, I was wondering. I’ve been working on a way to have the solar panel external from my solar radiation shield, but connected to the AIr unit. Any thoughts?
3D print a set of adapters. You can use the Air base mount and the top portion of the solar panel as guides
My son and I are working on this exact solution…
When you have the .STL files, please consider sharing them both here and on Thingiverse for everyone to use…
Will do!
Planning on sharing the files and part numbers for using a cable (possibly network cable) for remote-mounting the SPA.
@dsj You may have missed this question.
AIR: every 1 minute
SKY: every 10 minutes unless it’s raining (it doesn’t take a measurement when it’s raining)
This thread makes me smile.
Well, that confirms what I’ve seen. Thank you.