Tempest app : first experiences

As many people see all kind of problems with the new app, I just wanted to suggest my photoshopped version. I simply added an optional panel with the hourly forecast, which more or less is the most visible thing that was added to the new app. The multi-day forecast at the bottom could just be using the newer 10 day forecast data and doesn’t need replacing. If you scoll to the right of that there is the view more button which could go to the detailed 10 day forecast (which includes the hourly forecast 10 days ahead). With my photoshopped version I don’t see any need for the, in my opinion, confusing layout of the new app. If really needed you could add an optional pane for hourly wind conditions as well.

If you still want to keep the new layout, I think adding the option display the hourly data would still be very nice.

Replacing the multi-day forecast data with the newer forecast data would be a good idea anyway, so there is no difference. (just the data, not the layout)