Tempest now on RadarOmega radar app:

Did you ever hear back from them?

I did. They told me that I would have to integrate through a cyclonePORT unit to show up on the map; which isn’t available to the public just yet. I kind of gave up after that only to find my station appear a week later. :slight_smile:

I was able to attach my device to radar omega today and I do see the device on the map. I turned on both of the cyclonePORT Network and Project MesaVort networks.
My device has an slash thru the eyeball but the site is showing on the map.
Just as a side note. I turned off the Project MesaVort and my device was removed from not only the map but radar Omega. I had to re-add the device, turn project mesavort back on which made it visible again.

Is this integration for the radar omega app not used anymore? I see that there isnt a spot on the app to manage my station and it doesn’t show up on the radar as well.