Thank you for the prompt to double check the app behaviour, @sunny. I’ve got some more clarity on that listed below.
@eric, Thank you for that information. I will try my best to touch on the points you make.
When I disconnect internet, I leave the LAN setup completely in tact. I only remove the cable modem from the mix. When I log into the router, I can see that the hub still maintains it’s DHCP assigned IP address. Also, I still receive some data, just not the obs_st and rapid_wind less frequently.
Yes, the backfill makes sense. I should still expect to see the obs_st without internet and then again when I reconnect internet - so in a dataset spanning a period without internet followed by a period with internet, I should expect to see each obs_st data stream twice, once during the normal 1 minute cycle, and once as a backfill. Am I understanding that correctly?
I will do my best to explain each wireless connectivity scenario I have tried with the app.
Here’s my version information:
- iPhone 7 Plus (MN632LL/A)
- iOS 14.7 (18G5042c)
- Tempest app version 4.19 (501)
- Hub firmware revision 170
- Station hardware revision 1
- Station firmware revision 156
- With the setup disconnected from WAN, and with both the hub and phone still connected to WiFi/LAN (and bluetooth enabled), the app will load the screen in Figure 1. When I tap the station icon in the upper right, the icon will turn dark blue from a light blue. (Figure 2) The app will then freeze similar to the behaviour in this post
Figure 1: Hub and phone connected to LAN without WAN access.
Figure 2: Hub and phone connected to LAN without WAN access after station icon as been tapped.
- With the hub connected to WiFi/LAN without internet access, I am able to access the data stream over bluetooth so long as my phone is able to phone home using cellular. (Figure 3)
Figure 3: Hub connected to WiFi without internet, but phone connected to internet via cellular, and to hub via bluetooth.
- However, with my phone is airplane mode (with cellular and WiFi antennas disabled, and bluetooth enabled, the app does not display data and freezes. (Figure 4)
Figure 4: Hub connected to WiFi without internet, and phone connected only to bluetooth (WiFi and cellular disabled).
- If I start with tempest app with only cellular enabled, allow the data to load via bluetooth, and then disable cellular, I am able to keep receiving data via bluetooth without internet. (Figure 5) If I background the app of restart it, I will get the same results as in 3 above.
Figure 5: Hub connected to WiFi without internet, and phone connected to cellular and bluetooth to start data stream, then cellular disabled.
I have also tried each of the scenarios again with my VPN disabled and the results are the same.
Finally, I was fortunate enough to have a storm pass through while I was collecting data on my Arduino. I noticed that the tempest app correctly showed lightning and rain start events leading up to and during the storm, but the UDP data did not show any evt_precip or evt_strike data streams.
I am attaching the UDP data stream with the hub connected to WiFi. Ignore the DEBUG line.
20210701_UDPcolletion.txt (169.4 KB)
I also tested for the lightning and rain event signals with the hub and phone connected to the WiFi first with internet to load the data, then I disconnected internet and the lightning events as displayed in the app went from ever ~4-10 seconds at 20-35 km to every 60 seconds at 1 km (which would be the same data supplied by obs_st that I collect in my UDP backfill). This makes it seem as thought the evt_precip and evt_strike data streams are only available when online. Is this correct? (Okay, I see that @eric mentions this will be fixed in upcoming firmware in this post. Thanks!) I am on firmware revision 156 already - thanks @sunny.