Time to build your arks!

I know the inaccurate rain issues are something that’s been an ongoing topic, and something that the weather station should calibrate over time, but I’m curious how much rain data this thing will need in order to do that? I just had what would otherwise constitute biblical flood level rain, according to WeatherFlow. Within a one hour period it peaked at recording 13.651 inches of rainfall, and at one point it was recording 50.292 in/hr of rain! Now, this was a pretty intense storm, obviously, as evidenced by the 1015 lightning strikes within 3 hours, but still…

My other weather station 50 feet away recorded a rainfall amount of 2.62" of rain, peaking at around 2.5" per hour.

This is station ID 1739.


My SKY has been installed for a bit over 40 days and the rain calibration is still a bit wonky. Case in point, we had some light rain last evening, yet the SKY says we got 2.55 inches of rain, which is at least 2 inches too much.


Seems like mine handles light rain ok, but the heavy rain events are way off. Wind readings are also way off during high wind events. Had a storm a couple weeks ago that brought down large oak trees in the neighbor’s yard and the sky unit recorded Max wind just over 20mph. I have seen improvements, so I’m holding out hope that as more data comes in, updates can be made to dial them in.

Wow, that is some epic rain! We know the current algorithm that SKY uses tends to over-report in higher rain rates, but this is EXTREME! This data is invaluable though. Your SKY is part of our beta group for our AI/Continuous Learning system development. It will get better over time. Please keep reports like this coming, they make great case studies for our data science geeks!


Exactly why I wanted to point it out to you guys. :blush: I definitely want to point out anything that might help you to tweak the algorithm.

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If you want more reports, SKY has so far reported 9.777 inches in the last 24 hours for station 2360. Readings from nearby sources are 1.5 - 2 inches.


I have a similar issue. I hope this means you are using my data also. The other day we had 6 inches of rain and and a nearby station was about an inch less but just this morning we had an epic storm and the gauge said 6.5” since 11pm last night. Most nearby stations are reporting about 40% of that. Station is is 3773.

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FWIW my station (2517) reported 12.7" of rain yesterday. Official stations in my area reported ~3".

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I think I can beat that rain total per hour. June 19th here in Ohio, we had a torrential rain event and my 4" Stratus caught 3.42" in an hour or less, my production Sky reported 13.92" for that hour. All that rain just washed straight down the wooded hillsides like they were just bare soil.

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I set up my station yesterday in anticipation of a real soaker today. The weather has not disappointed. In a day of off and on heavy downpours, the Weatherflow is reporting about 1.18" in the last 24 hrs (subtracting the erroneous reading during installation) and my Cocorahs gauge has .85" in it right now. So the Weatherflow seems a little over, but I’m not seeing the vast overages you guys did. I will take exception to Weatherflow’s definition of “Extreme”. I would say it is “Really, Really Heavy”. Extreme is when I can’t see the trees on the other side of the yard.