UDP documentation updated: v17 & v30

We have released updated UDP documentation to match the latest production build (v17) and the latest beta/development build (v30).


It should be accurate but please let us know if you find any errors or omissions. Thanks!


Thank you, David. @michael and I will go over the documents and see if we have any questions.


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@dsj David,

Status (hub) [type = hub-status]

fs is not documented.


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Hey Gary,

I updated the hub_status message in the v30 docs to include fs along with a description of the possible values.

A value of 0 means external flash is not available. A value of 1 indicates that external flash is available.

The hubs sent out to field testers did not have external flash. The hubs that have been sent out as production units do have external flash.

Thank you, Corrine. That’s interesting but I can see it’s an item most developers don’t need to know.

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