The wind sensor definitely seems fubar’d now. It’s still permanently stuck reporting wind from NE even though the wind was largely west for a while and is now more SW. Note that the nearest obstruction in those directions is Papua New Guinea, roughly 2,200 miles away.
I don’t want to jinx things, but so far it looks like 3rd time is indeed the charm. I got the replacement installed Saturday afternoon, and it’s generally been behaving well ever since. Not a single instance of stopping sending observations and no “lasting” sensor failures. Twice I noticed multiple sensor failures, and I still occasionally see wind failures, but by the next observation it’s back to reporting OK. With the two previous Tempests, whenever I got the multiple sensor failures it would stay that way (and typically stop sending observations) until I switched it off/on.
So I’m cautiously optimistic!
The only thing now is that it seems the calibrations might be off. I’m hoping/assuming that those will settle out over time as it goes through its AI/calibration routines. The pressure is a bit high. The solar radiation seems pretty high (and I’m getting occasional spike values). And the temperature seems low (and yesterday MesoWest flagged the temp readings as “Caution” as they fell outside their statistical analysis).
But at least I haven’t had to go back up on the roof to power-cycle it! That was getting extraordinarily tedious power-cycling it every several hours.
Oh, and I can’t say much about the original topic for this thread. This one started off on v134 so there hasn’t been a firmware update.