WeatherFlow on ROKU v5.7.5 Release

The fixed version released today, please re-install or update the existing channel.

Yay! Thanks very much, Steve. I reinstalled, entered my station ID, back in business.


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That fixed it! Thanks!

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If you’re not using the ROKU WeatherFlow application, I invite you to try it!
The application works on ALL ROKU devices.

For those interested, I am proud to say my ROKU WeatherFlow application currently has 4,300 users!!

I am interested in the opinions of people using the ROKU WeatherFlow channel to view WeatherFlow data?!

All the questions below are related to “ROKU WeatherFlow Data Viewer v5”.

  • What do you like about the application?
  • What do you dislike about the application?
  • Is it easy or difficult to navigate through the menus?
  • Do you have more than one station saved in your menu?
  • Do you have “saved stations” in the app other than the units you own?

Thank you in advance for the feedback!!


I just found this. I installed your app on my Roku box, it came up and asked me my station number. My station ID is kp4djt01, but it did not take that, I tried several variations on the Tempest ID ST-00111669, but it rejected all but 00111669, which it took but it ID’d the station as Marina Peninsula Beach, and has temps that appear like the SF Bay area. When I search for it in the station list on the WeatherFlow page, it does not come up. What am I doing wrong or how can I get the right data on my screen. I have several neighbors that will want this on their Roku devices so they can check my station here in the area.

@kp4djt , Thank you for the interest in the WeatherFlow ROKU application !!

On your phone app, find the Public Data section for the weather station.
For the example below, you would enter 63863 into the ROKU app.

Thank you I found it another way but got there the same. Thank
you for your help.