WeatherFlow PiConsole - Archive

the Pi4 has heat problems so it needs cooling and that case isn’t optimal according me for that. Also the 8Mb version is 64 bit, also provoking quite some problems with software. I think to early to jump on that wagon

The case I was looking at has a cooling fan:

Good to know about the 64 bit causing problems.


Hi @lauraf13, thanks for checking out the PiConsole. @eric is spot on with his advice. You don’t need a top-end Pi4. The 2GB or 4GB version will do just fine, or in fact a Pi3 for that matter. The console is light on resources and doesn’t need more than 128MB of graphics memory. For my own setup I use a Pi3 in a smart-pi case (the one you linked to), and I have a 4GB Pi4 as a test setup.

EDIT: In fact I would caution against getting a 8GB version. The console is untested by me on the 64 bit system, so I don’t know if there are compatibility issues.

Thanks peter. I had wondered about the compatibility.

This setup does not need more than a RasPi3. And even that is mostly idle;-) The following image is a snapshot of top -i on my weatherpi (RasPi3):wink: Nothing anywhere near the limits;-)

But I don’t expect any problems on the RasPi4 either (it will eat more power, but apart from that). All versions of the RasPi4 can run 64bit kernels and all of them can run 32bit user lands. Some/very few programs really need more than 3GB of virtual address space, they now have the opportunity to make use of the full available memory. But most others will probably stay 32bit for quite some time.

I do have a 4GB and a 8GB RasPi4, but I don’t have another 7" display to test the PiConsole. I usually use smaller displays (2" - 3.5" in the normal Pi hat form factor;-) for my robots;-)

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Thanks for all of the information. I have ordered a 3B and display. I’m just waiting for it to be delivered.


OK, I got my M5StickC with the ENV hat.

It would work as a temperature, humidity & pressure sensor. It could also work as a little web server on WiFi and could serve a json response with all the readings. That’s the good news.
The bad news is, the temperature is 4C too high in my first testing. So it would need some correction method which might be a bit harder because the ESP32 does not expose an internal/CPU temperature:-( The charging circuit has an exposed temperature sensor which can be used for some compensation
Size with the hat is 62x25x15 mm + the USB-C plug for power.
So far, I just ran some examples, but it should be easy to combine things we need.

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OK, I got my first Arduino sketch for the M5StickC working;-) It connects to known WiFi networks or when no known network is found, it’s bringing up it’s own AP and you can connect to that and tell it the needed info to connect;-)

After that, it serves a JSON with the sensor readings;-)

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Hey @peter,

I decided to have a go at creating my own panel to display the large temperature for my wife. She likes it. Basically, I just created my own panel, gave it it’s own background, and created an ExtraLargeFont. Had to tweek the position and size for displaying the temperature but that’s about it. I like how it turned out.
Also, I still have the integrated pool temperature in place of the Indoor temp, since I don’t have an indoor probe.


@stevecody, would you mind sharing your modifications to get your pool temp to replace the indoor temp? I’d like to do something similar!

I sent a PM with the mods. Thanks for being interested.

Thank you! Hoping to give it a go later today!

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A new minor release (v3.5.1) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole is available. Changes include:

  • Fixed bug that meant Sager forecast was never regnerated
  • Added Hardware support for Raspberry Pi Model B
  • Fix bug in time.sleep() when time module was not imported
  • Improved handling of API calls in config generation

For those new to using the console, first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop . Then update using wfpiconsole update

PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. I suggest you backup your changes before updating


This looks great! Good work

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Hi @alexander.silver88, sorry for taking so long to reply! It is possible to add local tide times to the console, but this functionality is not natively supported. You will have to create a new panel (or edit an existing one), to show that information.

@stevecody, your instructions worked perfectly! Thank you!


(Yes, we like to keep our pool warm! :joy:)

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Awesome! Except for the warm pool part. lol. Glad it worked.

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Are you able to post how to include pool temp? I use wirelesstag and managed to get it over to openhab2 but would love to see it on this display

Hey @kbeast,

Attached are the instructions for setting it up. Basically, I am able to retrieve my pool temperature from another raspberry pi. I use crontab to call a script that uses curl to pull a file with the temperature from the other pi. I save the file in the /home/pi/wfpiconsole directory. I modify the code to retrieve the temperature out of that file and display it in place of the indoor temperature. If you have any problems getting it to work, let me know.

piConsole-mods-pool-temperature.txt (2.5 KB)

@kbeast, I use a wireless tag for my pool temp probe as well. I enabled web sharing on the tag, and then use w3m on the pi to grab the url and then some scripting to extract the temp and pipe it to a file that wfpiconsole can read (with @stevecody ‘s modifications).

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