Will the hub work without Internet?

Without Internet access, the application will not let you do anything. It asks you to “Create an account” or “Login.”

The application is definitely an issue. I cannot get into the application to reconfigure the Wi-Fi on the Hub without an Internet connection.

In short, the Hub has to be FULLY configured for it to send UDP data before hand.

To make it clear, the Hub does not need Internet access but the application does. So, if your phone has Internet access you can set the Wi-Fi on the Hub.


If we had a cell signal, we’d have Internet :slight_smile: So that is a bit of a problem. I guess that means that without a cell signal you can’t even use the phone app to view weather data over bluetooth?

So it’s going to take some effort to get things working. Not impossible, but difficult. You don’t really understand how much of what we use now is dependent on the Internet until you try to set things up somewhere where you don’t have it.


note the app can use bluetooth (the led light comes on)
if are close enough
so no need to for WiFi to get the udp data (I have confirmed this)
the trick is can all the initial setup be done via that bluetooth connection
the stumbling block might be in the initial app setup is the need to setup the the WiFi

Try that after you disconnect your phone from Wi-Fi and mobile data.

Your phone is connected to the Internet without Wi-Fi so you aren’t seeing the problem.

I was in the car when testing bluetooth udp data from the hub
so I did have mobile data
does this person not even have access to mobile data?

That’s what he wrote in his post.

ok, if i run the app with mobile and wifi turned up, it comes up with network error could not connect to internet and does not even try to use the blue tooth udp data
by the looks

There in-lies the issue. We can’t use the application to pair a device to a Hub or pair a Hub to a Wi-Fi without Internet.\

P.S. I love your new icon.

@bpaauwe Good question. You CAN run your weather station without any internet connection or cellular connection. Here’s how it works…

Internet connection (or mobile cellular connection) is required only for initial setup to create app username/password and to configure your weather station. You can then physically locate your station anywhere and the HUB will broadcast data via BLE directly to the app, and via UDP.

You just need to make sure that you do not ‘log out’ of the app – as username / password is required to communicate with your HUB for security reasons. If for some reason your app logs out, you will need an internet connection to log back in – so that our servers can authenticate — again, for security reasons.

PS - the indicator light on the back of your HUB will glow red when there is no Wifi. It will glow blue when actively connected via BLE.


Tested this scenario upon receipt of the Weather Flow system and works as described. :+1:

but this person will be setting up with no internet connection at all at the install location by the looks
so they will need to setup up first with internet connection somwhere else
then keep the app going ie do not exit it,…from when do have internet connection…when going to the install location…to check /get data at that install location…

Here is what it will look like when in “offline mode”:


The yellow ‘Network Error’ warning gives notice of no connection. Just tap to dismiss / hide. The data is live and direct from the sensor devices. You won’t see forecasts and archive data as these require access to our servers to query.

@bpaauwe @weather-display You will first need to setup your station in a location with internet connection or cellular connection. Then move the station to your remote no-internet location. The app will save/remember your credentials unless you actively log out.

I tried to tap to dismiss (android) but did not seem to work?
maybe I need to test that again

I’ve been using this feature a lot over the last few weeks with iOS app and can say it works as described. Since my cell phone was at edge of coverage, it would cycle the network error message on when it would drop cell service, yet live data continued to flow to the phone app… I like that feature!

And as you said, I set it up at home in advance, and it would remain working when I arrived at the remote location.

24 posts were split to a new topic: Offline mode: Wifi, UDP, BLE & app behavior

Thanks @WFmarketing, it sounds like it should work. If there are issues, there’s at least a chance they’ll get resolved.

Based on the testing @GaryFunk has done, it may be more effort to get it set up initially as I may have to setup a duplicate (ssid/password) WiFi network where I have Internet to set things up but as long as the hub is able to connect to the cabin network, I should be good.

I know it’s hard to believe, but there are still areas that don’t have cell service or easy access to broadband around. Our cabin is only about 30 minutes away from a couple of decent sized cities, but it’s in the mountains which block a lot of signals. We could get satellite internet, and probably will at some point.

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Based on what @kkoenig said, the app should allow the phone app to re-configure the hub as long as the username/password have been previously authenticated (I.E. currently logged into the app). However, the above indicates there may be bug in that.

@bpaauwe It’s pretty simple. AIR and SKY report data to HUB via radio freq. HUB then broadcasts live data from your sensors over BLE. App connects directly to HUB via BLE and displays the data. No network req’d.


@dsj, @WFmarketing I wish it were that simple. I can’t get this to work.

This is a 1 minute 45 second video I made to demonstrate the issue. I am running the Android application v1.72(35) with Wi-Fi only. Mobile Data is turned off.

The application will not work when there is no Internet connection. The other issue is NO UDP data is sent when there is no Internet connection.

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Based on your video it sounds like you’re getting logged out of the app, so the behavior you documented may be correct.

In the video you mention closing the app. I’m not familiar with Android but could closing the app cause it to logout and/or forget the credentials? On my iPhone, I have to actually select the “Sign out” option on the screen before it will ask for the email/password. Killing the app and restarting works even with no network connections (airplane mode).

What’s the behavior when you pull the Internet connection while the app is open and actively connected to the hub? Does it continue to get updates over BT?

This is very concerning. Is this happening every time you pull the Internet connection?

It seems like there could be an authentication issue. If the hub can’t authenticate with something (either WF servers or via BT to app) it stops sending data, maybe?

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