Add Australian Feels Like

@corrineb any chance you could implement the BOM Australia’s feels like formula for us Australians?

AT = Ta + 0.33•ρ − 0.70•ws − 4.00


ρ = rh • 6.105 • e(17.27*Ta/(237.7+Ta))


  • AT is the Apparent Temperature in oC;
  • Ta is the Dry bulb Temperature in oC;
  • ρ is the water vapor pressure (hPa);
  • ws is the wind speed (m/s) at 10 meter above the ground;
  • rh is the Relative Humidity (%).

Reference here: and there’s a simple calculator here:

@GaryFunk I actually found another post which is the same… Steadman Apparent Temperature (Australian Apparent Temperature)


Ok I have written a php script that gets the Australian Feels Like temperature for those who get coding…

$Ta = Dry bulb temperature (°C)
$rh = Relative Humidity [%]
$ws_kmh = Wind speed (km/h)

function getAUApparentTemp ($Ta,$rh,$ws_kmh)
	$e = $rh / 100 * 6.105 * exp ( 17.27 * $Ta / ( 237.7 + $Ta ) );
	$ws = $ws_kmh/3.6;
	$AT = $Ta + 0.33*$e - 0.70*$ws - 4.00;
	return round($AT,1);

For all those Aussies who are tired of waiting (and getting no response) and would like to see the Australian Feels Like temp displayed, have a gander at the Smartmixin app ‎SmartMixin Weather on the App Store or You have the option of choosing Australian Feels like temp as well as Humidex or Heat Index

I have been liaising with Vincent the developer as it wasn’t calculating correctly. It now works a treat and the app shows a great deal of data, very different to the Tempest app. I have no affiliation, just really like it. I paid for the premium version which was all of about $15 AUD



Mods - I think this request can be merged with this request as they are essentially asking for the same thing just for 2 different locations / formulas (Canada and Australia).