I finally got around to trying this out. This is brilliant. thank you! and bonus, now I have accurate rain totals in WU instead of the nearcast amounts that Tempest was sending.
This is a great script. I have it up and running on my two Tempest Stations. A few folks mentioned that Tempest may send NWS CWOP data by default for all stations negating the need to send to CWOP via script. I asked Tempest Support about this and below is their reply. Thoughts?
From Tempest Support
Sharing Tempest data with Government Agencies:
Sending data to CWOP can be redundant as your data is already provided directly to NOAA, UKMet, and other national meteorological agencies through the National Mesonet Program using Synoptic Data PBC, a data aggregation service. As long as your Tempest is reporting data online, Tempest is performing the legwork to share the data with all government agencies. The NOAA and National Mesonet Program have enjoyed access to weather data from WeatherFlow’s professional weather station network and hurricane mesonet for many years and are now also receiving data from the Tempest Systems. I hope this helps!
Good to know! Sounds like it’s redundant for most users. I still like sending in my reports via the script so that I can associate the weather station readings with my ham radio callsign
Yes, lots of use cases to still send CWOP data regardless of what Tempest is doing.
How about making use of that call sign and sending the data by APRS via RF???
Instead of grabbing the ratings and sending them over the Internet via APRS-IS, you want me to take the data packets off of my local network, package them up as APRS packets, send them out on the ham bands to a local repeater who will then take them and transmit them over the internet to those same servers anyway?
YES! WF-T is already sending your data the easy way, so you should send it the hard way in case every ham’s disaster plan comes true and they are the only means of communication.
I had my PWS sending wx APRS observations by RF for a few weeks many moons ago, but a lightning strike took out the Raspberry Pi before I snagged a backup of the SD card. I’m assembling another system to deploy down south at our off-grid tree farm, where cellular coverage is sketchy at best and there is no wired alternative…
Is it possible to transmit the lightning from the Tempest to any of PWS services?
To my knowledge, there are no PWS services that have a way to report lightning strike data.
e.g. Wunderground doesn’t, Windy doesn’t, WindGuru doesn’t, etc.
If any introduce a way, I’d be willing to add it!
Thanks for this! Looks to be working great, and super easy to set up. Appreciate you sharing it!"
Question: is it really supposed to be executing every minute? Just want to make sure that’s the intended behavior and I didn’t inadvertently change something that’s going to get my Tempest PUT blacklisted or something ;).
Yup! Working as intended.
Hi there…is this script suppose to speed up the refresh rate from Weatherflow to WU? Currently it takes Weatherflow 20 minutes to update my station to WU… My station ID to WU is KNYPATTE20 Thanks for your help. These are the error I receive when I hit run 12:43:59 AM
Problem fetching Tempest
@ Untitled.gs:1335
@ Untitled.gs:515
@ Untitled.gs:109
Did you follow all of the setup instructions?
Yes. I made sure too check everything twice. But my question is does this script send data any faster to WU? If not then I won’t bother with the script. Thanks again.
Hi …Okay…I went back after I had a cup of coffee LOL and started with a fresh script. I got it to work as it was very easy to set up the parameters set forth in the instructions. However, WU is still only updating my station KNYPATTE44 every 15 to 25 minutes. Oh well, it was worth a shot. I deleted my first station KNYPATTE20 thinking it would help, but did not. As long as I have my PiConsole work off my laptop I am good for now. Thank you to xd1936 who made this possible for everyone to try…Best Paul
It should update about every minute.
I know…but unfortunately it doesn’t . I was hoping this would bypass Weatherflow’s servers…but it may not. I know there are a lot of variables involved in the reporting. I’m just going to wait and see if it kicks in at some point. Unless, you have some ideas, I am open to try new things. Thank you again as I appreciate any help provided Link to be station Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground
Edit: When I look at the logs from the script is does in fact refresh every minute. But it does refresh to WU. Maybe I messed up the coding…
Station Summary
Online(updated 17 minutes ago)
Perhaps turn off the Tempest WU integration and leave just the script to do the forwarding?
Good point. Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll give that a try. Edit…Okay… I deleted the link in my Tempest app for WU and now it’s taking longer to update via the script. The script is running is running fine as I checked the status and it had zero errors. So far I am stumped.
Huh, yeah this script updates WU every minute for me. I turned off the WU connection in the Weatherflow app before turning this script on. Are you sure you’ve got the Weatherflow WU updating turned off? Because this sounds like the interval they use.