Considering WeatherFlow Tempest or?

I’m just saying… type once, redirect everywhere!

The marketing/wordsmithing people say less text is always better, but I think that’s a great idea. Consider the suggestion made and implemented in the next production run.


Well what do you know, yes that does work. I got the link with the upper case T from a response from David D. Nelson (gizmoev) time stamped June 10 9:04 am. So, GIGO if you know the acronym. Now the message from this person indicate that he is some kind of test person so I assumed (an error on my part) that what he sent me was correct. The same gentleman in his next message guided me very specifically and correctly to where I could find RainCheck. So probably an unfortunate typo on his part. So one mystery is cleared up. Thanks!

Thanks Peter. Glad you were able to find them.

David, Glad you were able to find them.

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Please remind the marketing folks about the little people behind the scenes, who labor to deliver on their promises… :wink: