Delete Rain data during install


during a change of batteries on the sky module it count me rain

how to cancel this countdown

it is also found on WeatherUnderground

in advance thank you for your information


Actually there is no way to take out just an event. It is possible to delete all data you have but depending on how much you have and if you want to loose all past data …

when you go in settings, stations, device management and under advanced there is a button to delete all …


You can go to Weather Underground and delete the event if you want to. But you cannot remove it from WeatherFlow at this time.


thank you for this explanation

Has anyone actually had success actually deleting bad data on weatherunderground? It doesn’t seem to present me the option to edit data as noted here:

The menus have changed in 4 years. Where is this located in the current ios app ?

Sorry for the earlier post. I found it in a later post from eric. You delete data under the individual sensors (cool!) so I cleared the sky data and left the air data as is.