Looks like another big blow

Looks like I will have some Data Coming hope the tornado dissapates heading right for me said chance of 1 inch hail 100% another big blow, towns still cleaning up from Big storm on 8th 80-90mph straight line winds some picsbottom of page https://www.wzdm.com/2020/04/09/severe-storm-leaves-downed-trees-power-lines-damaged-property/

Here’s what heading to me tonight hopefully I will post some data


Got really Lucky, the front stalled and the system kind of petered out about 30 miles away . It finally came thru about 8am next morning nothing severe then ended up with 25 mph gust and about .5" rain did not even detected any lighting.

I am not complaining though once a year good for me and strawberries are blooming nothing harder on them than hail :grinning:

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