Manually adjust rain totals

I had to move my Tempest today and in doing so the vibrations from moving the pole gave me very inaccurate rain readings. It would be a nice feature to be able to manually adjust figures after events like this.

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Sounds a nice idea and has been discussed and I thought others had already requested it but this is the nearest request that I could find to your feature request:

Unfortunately it seems no one voted for it either. Perhaps everyone has used up all their votes?
cheers Ian :slight_smile:

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I’m all for manually adjusting rain that would be super.

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Does anyone foresee a way to adjust our rainfall totals for tempest ourselves, especially when we have accidentally triggered false rain and need to get this off the daily totals and monthly totals. This would be of great value to us all.

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It would be nice to have this feature as in adjusting rain totals after a false event. At the moment, no way to do it. We are struck with false totals in the event of a false rain trigger.

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or false rain totals from 99% of events. I would love to be able to make edits in the app history for rain and temps. It would be as simple as how you can add comments to boxes in excel at first.

We know the Tempest isn’t perfect but 99% seems a bit to much. How is it mounted ? Maybe that part needs some extra attention to prevent false rain events by vibrations creeping up the pole into the device.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Error in data rain from Tempest :tempest:

They have been better as of late however most events have been moderate or light. Since the 3rd of July my Tempest has recorded 1.26 and the CoCoRaHS gauga has recorded 1.21 inches so only 0.05 inches off over 11 rain events. I have noticed that totals are being adjusted downward with raincheck off. Is this because I have started submitting rain totals? Some of the adjustments have occurred prior to submitting totals though as well.