Moved station 2 hrs away but still seem to get lightning from old location

Can’t figure this out. I had older set up with separate lightning that was disassembled. I recently moved the station to a new location 2 hrs away

I was just watching radar with a line coming thru and l will say the lightning strikes line up with the line coming through. No storms close to the new location.

The old devices are long gone. I checked the set up and only see the one station and nothing else

Driving me nuts. Anyone have any thoughts and other things to check?

Have you changed the location of your Tempest in the app? The Tempest system augments your locally detected lightning data with additional data sourced from third parties and other Tempest devices. I would suspect that if you haven’t updated your Station location in the app, you’ll get additional lightning data from the wrong location

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how far away is 2 hours? (I’m used to measuring distances in km) I’m assuming that it is more than 80km away. In which case it would be strange to get the extra lightning messages. Did you remove the old devices from the app? did you update your location in the app?

Ah thank you. I updated the name but when I went into the location it was in fact still at old location. I updated that.

Appreciate your response.

Yes more than that. I actually removed and readded but just checked the location and it was still at old location. So that should do it.

Thank your for your response.