New Tempest Weather System

No I was talking about a 2 way radio in Hub. Or did the hub always have a 2 way ? Really wasn’t a reason was there for hub to have a 2 way was there? Unless there was some kind of like CRC. I guess one of the developers would see this?

Sales for Sky/Air are discontinued. That’s official.
There is still stock for replacements though.

What wss the deal they offered you. How much

There not gonna sell SKY. AIR anymore. Is this true

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I think thats what its official means

I am Getting Mixed up now I guess the point is mute now anyway

Define your meaning of “2 way radio” please.

TX RX transmit Receive

The Hub and devices have always had radio(s) that communicate bi-directional.


I know folks are busy there, but, is there any way an answer about 1) Whether a “hub-less” Tempest will be available or not, 2) if there will be a deal /price breakavailable for the rejected field testers on such an option, 3) if we can get that in time to make an intelligent decision before the deadline for the deal on the Tempest/1st Wave Bundle Package? Since it looks like the advantage to upgrading to the new hub if one has an older hub might be minimal, I would really like to know this before pulling the trigger on a purchase.

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Can we clarify when the new Tempest will be offered to purchase by the original Sky/Air buyers.

Something to keep in mind - if you’re upgrading to a Tempest and opt to not purchase a new hub - you’ve just created an “orphan” Sky/Air that is of no use to anyone else, because there’s now no hub for it. If you want to resell it, or pass it along to a friend or family member, they’re gonna need a hub. For this reason, I just bought a completely new Tempest w/hub, and now that I have it, will pass along the original hardware to one of my pals to enjoy. Food for thought.


That’s is a great idea.

Unless you added the Tempest to the original hub as another device. I can see some doing that to have monitoring in different locations.

As has been stated elsewhere on the forum, you do not need to abandon an existing Sky/Air combo if you add the Tempest to an existing hub and all of the devices will still function fine. Maybe moot since, so far, WeatherFlow has remained silent on any option to buy a “hub-less” Tempest system.

WeatherFlow have mentioned before that they intend to offer a discounted upgrade route for existing owners without including a hub. Granted the information is tucked away in some very long forum topics


I knew I remembered something like that being posted a while back. It looks like that post was from October. The problem that I have is that there is an offer (a really nice offer) that expires at the end of this month, so, we either need to jump on that offer, or lose that offer and cross our fingers that the deal on the “hub-less” unit will be comparable … not an ideal situation.

Any update on this? I backed the tempest because of the advertised native SmartThings support. Looking around the forums seems to be something that’s been promised a few times even on the older platform, but may not even be in development currently? :frowning:

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SmartThings integration is in active development but we do not have an ETA for launch yet.

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In the mean time, there is a workaround to connect your smart home tech with your Tempest System using IFTTT services.

See more on using IFTTT with Tempest here:

Here’s a link to create your own applet from scratch:
Click the IF > choose Tempest Weather System > then choose the trigger
Click the THAT > choose your smart home tech