New Tempest Weather System

Here is a post from another thread … Migrating to Tempest from Air and Sky . If this is what the new hub gets me, I am not sure it is worth the cost (not that I know what the price will be for the Tempst/no hub option, but, I am hoping for a good discount)

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What was the cost for the rejected beta testers

$229. And it includes a hoodie and yeti mug

Very nice, & the view is awesome!!

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Thank you! We are enjoying our new Tempest. Well worth the wait!


FWIW - I think that’s the same total price as the beta testers got if I remember the math correctly, including the beta testers upgrading to the prod tempest of course.

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Is there going to be a deal for the Tempest without the hub for folks that were not accepted into the early test program? If one already has a hub for the Air/Sky combo, and intends to retire the Air/Sky, it is my understanding that the hub we already have will work fine (some minor differences, but, nothing that will make it inoperable from what I have seen elsewhere in this forum). If the deal I got in my email is the only deal, I need to decide if that deal is for me.

Just a note that the SKY, AIR, and Tempest can all run off the same hub so you don’t necessarily have to retire the SKY and/or AIR. There is a place in settings where you can set the environment to indoor if you choose to use the AIR indoors, too.

Pay attention to this one item.

The new Hub has the capability to upgrade the Tempest and maybe other devices. This alone is a great reason to get the new Hub.


I understand (and understood that before). With this in mind, it still seems there is no reason to make us buy a second hub. I can find no information on the price for a “hubless” Tempest, which is the main point of my query…

From the post I linked earlier “Note that the AIR & SKY have not needed a firmware update since they were released. In the unlikely event that we need to update the firmware on your Tempest, but you don’t have the latest hub, we’ll figure out a different way to take care of you!”. This was from a WeatherFlow staff person. So, maybe not a great reason.


Gary a couple of months ago WF replaced my Sky/Air hub 16584 it has a higer ID # than the Tempest hub is WF still sending out 2 different type of hubs or are the just carrying one now as if thats the case my new hub would have that capability to update firmware.It still on 119 fw are they going to continue to maintain 2 seperate hub versions ?Serial #15393

Air didn’t need a firmware upgrade, but recently mine needed replacement due to a faulty barometric sensor. My old one had firmware version 20 and the new one has version 23. Probably just some none essential changes.

I discovered a strange issue between my original first generation hubs and the new Tempest app during the beta testing and had v134 pushed to one of them as a test. Firmware v134 is what is on the Tempest field test hub. Since the old one took v134 I assume it is the same firmware and they wrote things in a way where they don’t need two separate branches.

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They put a two way radio in the new ones Tempest hub ?

It’s not easy to tell.

The old Hub:
“device_type”: “HB”,
“hardware_revision”: “0”,
“firmware_revision”: “119”

Tempest Field test Hub:
“device_type”: “HB”,
“hardware_revision”: “0”,
“firmware_revision”: “134”

Tempest production Hub:
“device_type”: “HB”,
“hardware_revision”: “1”,
“firmware_revision”: “126”

I will ask @djs and @WFstaff @WeatherFlowTeam to comment as to how one will know if the Hub has the ability to update the device firmware.

No big deal just curios I would think it would cost more to stock and manufacture and support 2 different versions of hub for future use. I guess
they are going to keep selling Sky/Air also

That is correct. The question is, how does one know. I will venture to say, any Hub with “hardware_revision” : “0” is the old Hub unless it was sent with a Tempest.

I guess they are going to discontinue sales of Sky/Air. I just ordered my discounted production Tempest Kit. I waited because my card statement rolled over and next billing cycle will be payable on July 15th I always like to use banks money intrest free.
Anyway I looked around in store and did not find a place to order the Sky/Air ? Proabably could contact sales directly and get one but looks like not really offering it for general public sales?

Also this was listed on solar panel device
Note: As of May 2019, all weather stations come standard with solar power accessory. This add-on is intended for stations sold prior to May 2019.

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Hasn’t there always been a 2-way radio in it? How else would the sensor receive acknowledgement from the hub that it received the data?

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