New user dumb mistake

Well the title is says it all after what happened yesterday. I hate that this is my first post on the forum.
I got my new Tempest about a week ago and set it up right away. This is my first PWS. Perfect timing as tropical storm Eta was near. The setup was smooth and easy. After browsing through the forums prior to my purchase I knew how I wanted to mount it. Went to the local hardware store and got a 10’ conduit pole and ordered the channel master eave mount. I mounted the Tempest to the pole and leaned it against the roof line on my back patio just to be able to get some initial readings until I got my permanent mount. I knew it wasn’t an ideal location for wind and direction but it gave me a chance to run through the app and see all of the possible data. I watched the wind speed pickup, lighting detection, rain detection, etc… from the storm over the next several days. Yesterday the winds really got intense and blew over the pole with the Tempest. It fell straight down on my back patio deck. The top cap came off along with the ribbon connector. It hit the ground pretty hard. I got everything back together reconnected the ribbon connector that connects the haptic rain sensor and light sensor. Got it back up and the only thing that is showing on the app is the air temp, everything else is 0’s. Although looking at the logs on Google drive it was showing the barometric pressure at 1300, wind speed, direction and no solar info. I am fairly certain its been damaged. I am pretty upset with myself. I take full responsibility and plan on buying another Tempest to replace it.
I do have a couple of questions about when I get the new Tempest. Should I use the original hub since I already have an account and just add another station when I get the new one? If so, is there an option to just purchase the Tempest sans the hub?

Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading.

Just email support and ask to buy just the Tempest. No need to buy another hub.

When you get the replacement use the Replace Device option to keep the history you do have intact and visible.

Sorry for your loss, @ejquindlen. :frowning: I can only imagine your frustration at trying to get something temporarily set up to monitor the incoming weather (a big part of why we own these PWSes, I make up!) only to have the very thing you’re monitoring bite your setup. Ugh.

If it’s any consolation, these devices are really awesome and the support from fellow owners and the WeatherFlow team is just as awesome. Hope you get your new Tempest soon.

Go to

for a “Tempest Device w/ pole mount attachment”
Regular price: $249.00

Note: This is a Tempest device ONLY. Includes both flat base and pole mounting attachments. Does not include Hub (base station) required for system operation.

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Thanks for the responses! This a really great community which is why I didn’t hesitate to purchase a replacement.