Sudden large drop of pressure

Station ID 5447 - Tzouhalem-Maple Bay Weather

For some unknown reasons, the sea level pressure of my WeatherFlow station has dropped from 1012.1 hPa (at 21:35 PST on December 7, 2019) to 435.1 hPa (at 21:40 PST on December 7, 2019) - the pressure has remained in the four hundreds since then.

Other than replacing the SPA on the SKY unit, nothing was done to the AIR unit (it was not touched, it was not moved, no settings were changed).

What could have caused this sudden drop of pressure in the WeatherFlow weather station - there has not be any major drop of the pressure on my Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 weather station.

Any suggestion on options to try (I have contacted WeatherFlow support earlier but I have not received a reply yet).

That smells a calibration that went completely … :crazy_face: :crazy_face:
It is week end, not sure there is much staff on deck to handle this rapidly.

@anon84912554 ???

On saturday reply in 4 hours but now its Sunday the need a break too,seems my sky stopped again new ticket tommorow :roll_eyes:

Could be a potential pressure sensor failure. A reset could bring it back (instructions below)… We’ll need to get you a new AIR if a reset doesn’t bring those values back in line.

Press and hold the clear LED button on the base of the AIR unit for 5 seconds, the LED should blink rapidly then go to a slow green blink.

Then you will need to reconnect the AIR device to the Hub: in the Smart Weather app go to settings > stations > select your station > manage devices > tap the + in the top right and follow the steps to add a new AIR device. The app should search for your AIR device and come back with a no devices detected message - that is ok as the AIR should have automatically reconnected to your station during that process.

Let us know what you see!


Went through the reset procedures with the AIR unit.

When the AIR unit came back online the is now completely ‘dead’ showing 0 hPa. :disappointed:

I have received confirmation from @WFsupport that a new AIR unit will be sent within the next day or two. :yum: