Who is using series database to capture observations?

I have been capturing 4.5 years of data from my Tempest using WeeWx. It’s set up with UDP packet capture and publish on a MQTT topic and summarizes the observation data every five minutes into its database.

Does anyone keep the raw observation data for other purposes? I was experimenting with using a MQTT client listener in InfluxDB to store the observation data there, but the question is how large a series-based DB would get with year of data.

One advantage of having the data to run reports in Grafana. But wondering what approaches others are taking.

I don’t really see the need to keep it. WeatherFlow keeps the data on their servers and I can use the API to get any data from it I want for as far back as I want.

I made a Google Sheets doc that makes it easy to import into a spreadsheet:

Once it’s in the spreadsheet, I can run whatever reports/charts I want on it.

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weewx => MQTT => influxdb (via telegraf) for grafana displays. Works great.

I have influxdb set to prune itself every few months so it doesn’t get crazy big. My weewx db goes back to November 2006 (!!!)