I have just purchased a Weatherflow Tempest weather station to replace a generic weather station system where the data was captured using a RFLink receiver and fed into Domoticz home automation running on a Raspberry Pi for viewing.
I am wanting to collect the Tempest temperature data and use it to automatically add to a graph based on a daily calculated value derived from average of the per minute readings. I would like to end up with the x axis displaying 365 days of data with subsequent years overlaying the existing year(s).
I am after software recommendations for the data collection and graphing functionality, preferably able to run on a Raspberry Pi under Raspbian.
Hi @Aaristotle and welcome
There are several methods to do what you are asking. Choosing which method depends on your skills. I do not know of anything off the shelf to do what you want. There are so many variables with your question that it makes it difficult to recommend a specific direction.
Graphing: You mention ‘automatically’. Does that mean you wish to produce the graph when ever you wish to look at the link or image? As compared to opening a spreadsheet.
a. There is a topic in this forum I would have to search harder for that is creating automatic graphs after you have installed the software into a raspberry pi or similar linux based computer. Use the magnifying glass on this forum to search.
b weewx does graphs which would require you to adjust to your requirement if that is possible.
c. I also wanted automatic graphs different to anything that I could find off the shelf and ended up building my own system using a raspberry pi with the python programming language. It now runs continuously without a database by using the API to get my historical data and draw the graphs. I can imagine exactly how to do what you are asking by using a similar approach to what I have done. But it requires learning python to do it.
d. If your old system already created your required graph then perhaps the simplest might be learning how to get your temperature values into your old system?
good luck cheers Ian
This is exactly what weewx does ‘other’ than the overlaying of multiple years on the same jan-to-dec x-axis. By default you always get a rolling day/week/month/year or custom period if you’re so inclined.
I’d suggest the overlaying part would be unviewable eventually. I have almost 15 years of weewx data at this point, trying to overlay it all would be visually a mess.
I used to do a 10-year graph but stopped populating it a while ago as I never used it. Here’s a screen shot of temp+rain.
Thanks for all the responses, I will look at WeeWX to see if I can get the result I am looking for.
I am specifically looking at the days between generations of an insect that is devastating tamarillo orchard in New Zealand. This is linked very closely to the temperature, and the breeding cycle governs how often pesticide use is required.
I have been manually downloading the temperature data from my current system, importing into Excel, running calculations on it then adding it to existing graph data, but would like to have a system where it is automated and updated daily.
I have 3 years worth of data so far, and with the winters getting warmer over the last 3 years the days between a generation of insects have already dropped from 90 to 68 days in the middle of winter, when previously insect pests have been dormant.
I don’t know what calculations you are doing, but in general doing a little python code to grab data from the station and save some generated custom thing to a field in the weewx database is a very mainstream thing to do. I did that with AQI from my PurpleAir but there are basically infinite possibilities if you want to cut a little python code. There are lots of examples out there to learn from, so it’s pretty straightforward to spin up on.