2nd Tempest in Diff /City

Im hooking a 2nd Tempest in Tucson. 1st is in Seattle. Is there anything I need to know for 2nd install? I obviosly use original App on phone for 2nd install. Any advise would be appreciated!

When you create the new station under your current WF-T user account, it should ask you to specify the location, elevation, etc for the new Tempest.

I have two different locations (and four total Hubs) under my one WF-T user account. When there’s more than one station/Hub, it turns the station name at the top of each page into a pull-down pick list to select which one to view:

That’s what I thought. Anoth question. North is easy to find but struggling to find true north. Can I get away with just using North?

Use Google Maps in satellite view and set it over your location with true north at the top. That should get you the idea of where north is.

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So when i see dot on my house, the top of the screen is True North?

Typically yes. Same with the Tempest maps. Same with Apple maps. Same with Google maps.

For example - open Tempest Station Map and you’ll see the url at the top of the page. See the ‘SW 328th St’ labels at the top ? Drag the map left/right and you’ll see the lat stays the same and the lon moves…so North is at the top. Then click on one of the ‘SW 328th PL’ labels below there and drag up/down. You’ll see the lat changes +/- but the lon stays the same. Both ways say top = north by default.

As a novice weather dude, what am I missing in utilizing my Tempest beyond the standard readings? I would like to understand highs/low patterns as they arrive being it affects both my locations in Sea/Tucson

Lows come in counter, highs come in diff clock, but that’s my extent

I would love to see what’s coming?

I have no idea what you are saying/asking.

Something like predicting the strength and direction of the winds based on the current data around you…

For instance, letting someone know downwind of you that gale force winds are coming…and when.

Is that what you are looking for? Predictive analysis of Wx data…