Wondering if there are any sites out there doing aggregation of lightning data that will take Weatherflow data? Found blitzortung.org but they are hardware restricted from what I read, and 2 others but not like but no public data input. Lightningnetwork.org seems to be gone.
Hate to see the data go to waste.
Maybe one should wait a little until calibration is active.
I think wearherflow will provide those data ?
dsfg, our Weatherflow gear does provide the data, looking for somewhere to share the lightning data Weatherflow logs, like we can with the weather data to WU or PWS. Lightningnetwork used to do it, but they appear to be gone.
Oh sorry What I meant with
was maybe they will create a map which shows the data or like Gary’s stations map one will do for lightning events.
The sensor in WeatherFlow Air is not accurate so it cannot provide good data.
As David has stated many times, it is meant to give you a general distance warning so you can take appropriate action. For myself that is pretty much enough.
If I really need to know direction and distance, I think I would have to invest several hundred dollars.
My Fav is: https://www.lightningmaps.org
That site is the data from http://blitzortung.org/ - they require their hardware be used to submit data.
I knew that, I was just point to it since some users wouldn’t know about it for North America.
if i can get it finished before end of october this map for lightning is based on weatherflow hardare connected to a meteobridge .it does not use weatherflow servers and is based on you or the user request their lightning data to be visible on the map.
it simply takes advantage of the meteobridge support for,weatherflow hardware and works in conjuction with the template so its all self sufficient to some extent only dependacie is reliabilty of your server where meteobridge uploads. .position is set by lat lon set in template. obviously no means of calculating direction but at rated max distance of 40km it might nit be that much of a problem . obviously more stations using meteobridge with weatherflow hardware the more data visible based on permission.
map is centered based on lat lon set in template and uses a default zoom of 4 .
as above hope to have ready by end of october if idont get sidetracked.
for the curious minded
“properties”: {
“image”: “img/weather34logo.svg”,
“websiteText”: “https://weather34.com”,
“property”: “
WEATHERFLOW 3760 via Meteobridge”,
“ago”: " <?php if ($lightningseconds <30 ){ echo "Now";}else if ($lightningseconds >=31 ) echo convert($lightningseconds)," ago";?>",
“location”: “Sinanoba,Istanbul,Turkey”,
“distance”: “<?php echo $weather["lightning2maxdist"],"km";?>”,
“temp”: “<?php echo $weather["temp"];echo "°", $weather["temp_units"] ?>”,
“total”: "<?php echo number_format($weather["lightning2max"],0);?> ",
“state”: “Weather34”,
“icon”: “<?php if ($lightningseconds <900 ){ echo "weatherflowlightningmap/js/li.svg";}else if ($lightningseconds >=500 ) echo "weatherflowlightningmap/js/lasthour.svg";?>”,
@dsfg Why yes, WF will create maps to show the data in many interesting and useful ways. In fact, WeatherFlow has been doing just that for over 18 years. See windalert.com or sailflow.com as example. It will take time assimilate and QC the data set from the new Smart Weather Stations, but certainly forthcoming.
Lightning data from the Franklin Lightning detector in the AIR is not eligible for our initial applied machine learning technique as the data is sporadic without adequate comparison reference sources. Instead, we worked for many months with the sensor engineering team at AMS on the tuning of the Franklin sensor chip. It’s a pretty neat little chip for the price tag, but not a replacement for more expensive dedicated lightning detection systems (ref: blitzortung.org hardware). It’s designed as a consumer grade (read: not expensive) general warning device that picks up lightning activity in your area, not every strike. We have found there is variability between devices due to a range of factors mostly the immediate environment in which they are placed. Walls, buildings, power lines, electrical interference can all play a roll in performance. Try experimenting with both the location of your AIR(s) and also try rotating the AIR by 90deg which can make a difference. Let us know what you find.
Thanks for clarification. This is what I tried to implicit wanted to point out, as I know your existing sites.
I wall mounted mine yesterday around noon and must have changed the orientation vs. how it was sitting a few feet away for the last 10 days. The lightning detector recorded many many dozens of ‘strikes’ in a very short period. After reading this I rotated the unit 90 degrees and just ‘one’ detected in 10 hours since then.
So the 90 degree thing worked for me to quiet it down.
I have found it should be at least 12 inches away from a wall.