Question about weather34 and meteobridge


So i would like to see my Tempest data on the weather34 template but i am a little confused as to were i get the API or path for my Meteobridge to upload? Also what interval do i set it at?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

You will need a Meteobridge to do this.

I have a meteobridge i was wondering were do i get the API path?

The meteobridge is not using any api, it listen to your local network to capture the data coming in via UDP.

It has to be or on the same network segment your hub resides or if in vlan there has to be a tunnel

When you configure the meteobridge with a weatherflow station (you’ll see sky/air but it does capture the Tempest in the same way) it will be in lthe live tab. ANd from ther eyou can send it to the x services meteobridge handles. But for details on how that works you better go to Brian’s forum.

You will need to go to 'Weather Networks" add a new weather network from the list you will see Home Weather Station Weather34. In the Services section you will need to go to the Weather34 site and follow his instructions for what is needed in this section.