Meteobridge/CWOP help

Just got my new Tempest unit up and working. I have connected it to my older Meteobridge unit. From the Meteobridge it reports to Wunderground and APRS weather ( without any problems. But for some reason I am unable to see any data reporting to CWOP. Here is the raw data I see on findu.


Would love some help with getting this to work. Also, I do not see any lightning data reporting on the Meteobridge live data page.


Did you jump through all of the email hoops to get a station ID and stuff for CWOP? Just sending to is not enough. CWOP uses a separate station ID to pick up the data…

Yes. Should have said that in my first post. I previously had another brand of weather station and reported to CWOP. I registered using my ham radio callsign. The CWOP site shows my station as “inactive.” I believe it should have turned “active” again when i started receiving data??

Gladstone shows that they aren’t receiving your APRS data, if you want to trace it backwards from there:

If I remember correctly, it takes a bit of time to start showing up if your station has been declared inactive. If you have given it a good bit of time, try sending email to for assistance.

Finally got it working. Had to email to get it active again.


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Does CWOP accept Tempest data? I had trouble finding that last year when I added my Davis.