I received and installed a Tempest Monday 10/3. I installed the unit about 12 feet away from a 2 year old Sainlogic PWS. I thought I would share a summary recap of readings between the 2 units which is about a 8 day run. I pulled the data from WU. I am very please so far. Most data very similar. The 3 categories that have some distance are humidity (average daily, Tempest reads about 2% higher), Wind speed (high wind readings Tempest is 3 to 4 mph slower), I had one day of rain. Rain fall, Tempest acumination was higher, almost double. reading was .12 in for Sainlogic and .23 in for Tempest. The rainfall surprised me. To be fair, I have Nearcast turned on, but I didn’t see another station within the 100mx100m area.
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