UART readings from Sky

I had a Sky lying around that has been replaced due to problems with the haptic sensor. On the PCB i saw an RX and TX with the description UART. Decided to hook up an USb TTL interface i had lying around.

Powering up the Sky module i could see the following communication

Reset info: 0x04 (PWR)
Extended reset info: 0x0401 (HV )
Init: 0x00
BOOTING (0) (): SK-5546
Factory Sensor Constants: 458400 3819 200 2147483647
Network up
Testing Network: PASSED
Release Mode
Initialize Sensors
Initialize I2C
APDS9200 Status: 0
UV/ALS Type: APDS-9200
Initialize Sonic
Enable sonic
Interval: 3000
Testing Sonic: PASSED
Initialize Rain Sensor
Disdrometer regular power mode
Disdrometer Start. Sample Rate: 16384
Testing Rain Sensor: PASSED
Generating report
Getting Readings
Reset sonic
Last Report Time: 0 currTime: 0
HUB->WS RSSI: -127
TX Power: 19
Reading buffer size: 1
TX Reading: 0 1 0
Reading buffer size: 0

WeatherFlow sonic anemometer online, v2.4
Offset values: 261 512 209 -77 Noise Floor: 21 (TOF), CutIn: 41 (TOF)
Wavelock values: 16 16 18 26
Pair Ratios: 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
CSpd C_TOF SPD TOF Dir (Dir) AB BC CD DA X Y Sonic Wavelock: PASSED
Sonic Interval: 3000

Sonic Ready
Setting Debug: 0
Generating report
Getting Readings
Last Report Time: 0 currTime: 60
TX Power: 19
Reading buffer size: 1
TX Reading: 60 1 0
Reading buffer size: 0
sky>Generating report
Getting Readings
Last Report Time: 60 currTime: 120
TX Power: 19
Reading buffer size: 1
TX Reading: 120 1 0
Reading buffer size: 0
Generating report
Getting Readings
Disdrometer low power mode: 1972 2048
Last Report Time: 120 currTime: 180
Disdrometer low power mode: 1972 2048
TX Power: 19
Reading buffer size: 1
TX Reading: 180 1 0
Reading buffer size: 0
Generating report
Getting Readings
Last Report Time: 180 currTime: 240
TX Power: 19
Reading buffer size: 1
TX Reading: 240 1 0
Reading buffer size: 0

Dunno if anybody has done this already but i was curious. FYI i had fitted a new haptic sensor, was wondering if i could get it to work

i had to look up what a disdrometer was :wink:

1 Like

Here is the UART output from the hub. I’m curious about when status messages from the sensor are triggered (with rssi value). They don’t seem to get sent regularly.

21:37:20.881 -> Actual DCT Size: 1608
21:37:20.881 -> Loading DCT: 0
21:37:20.918 -> DCT Size: 1608
21:37:20.918 -> Check DCT CRC: b2e86b1b == b2e86b1b
21:37:20.918 -> Loading DCT: 1
21:37:20.918 -> DCT Size: 1608
21:37:20.918 -> Check DCT CRC: 2bb6cb47 == 2bb6cb47
21:37:20.952 -> bootloader crc: 0x603d191c
21:37:20.952 -> Led timeout: 0
21:37:20.952 -> Lut test
21:37:20.952 -> App header size: 34
21:37:20.952 -> Checking LUT ID: 0
21:37:20.952 -> 	DCT Location: 0
21:37:20.952 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:20.952 -> Checking LUT ID: 1
21:37:20.952 -> 	DCT Location: 272
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector Start Address: 97
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector End Address: 97
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> Checking LUT ID: 2
21:37:20.989 -> 	DCT Location: 306
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector Start Address: 98
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector End Address: 98
21:37:20.989 -> 	Sector Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> Checking LUT ID: 3
21:37:20.989 -> 	DCT Location: 102
21:37:21.025 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 1
21:37:21.025 -> 	Sector Start Address: 1
21:37:21.025 -> 	Sector End Address: 96
21:37:21.025 -> 	Sector Count: 96
21:37:21.025 -> Checking LUT ID: 4
21:37:21.025 -> 	DCT Location: 136
21:37:21.025 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:21.025 -> Checking LUT ID: 5
21:37:21.025 -> 	DCT Location: 170
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:21.062 -> Checking LUT ID: 6
21:37:21.062 -> 	DCT Location: 442
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 4
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Start Address: 99
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector End Address: 192
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Count: 94
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Start Address: 193
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector End Address: 193
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Count: 1
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Start Address: 194
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector End Address: 194
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Count: 1
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Start Address: 195
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector End Address: 218
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Count: 24
21:37:21.062 -> Checking LUT ID: 7
21:37:21.062 -> 	DCT Location: 238
21:37:21.062 -> 	Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:21.062 -> Next app_header_entry_t address: 476
21:37:21.062 -> Checking APP1 Entry
21:37:21.062 -> 	Entry 1 starts at 193
21:37:21.062 -> 	Entry 2 starts at 194
21:37:21.062 -> 	Entry 3 starts at 195
21:37:21.062 -> Setting APP 1 size: 491520
21:37:21.062 -> DeviceID: HB-00011307
21:37:21.062 -> DeviceKey: \x6b19105a4065a1a6a7e414e000babf09
21:37:21.062 -> Firmware Version: 170
21:37:21.062 -> Flash Read: UNPROTECTED
21:37:21.062 -> FS start init
21:37:21.062 -> Flash Init: 0x00ef4014
21:37:22.838 -> FS Initialized
21:37:22.838 -> allocated sector count: 8
21:37:22.838 -> Current page idx: 538
21:37:22.838 -> Allocated page count: 1793
21:37:22.838 -> Object count: 7700
21:37:22.838 -> Objects flagged as not sent: 0
21:37:22.838 -> Bad page count: 0
21:37:22.838 -> Bad sector count: 0
21:37:22.838 -> FS initialized: 0
21:37:22.838 -> Device List
21:37:22.838 -> SKY Device: SK-00014822 1633840119
21:37:22.838 -> AIR Device: AR-00016301 1633833968
21:37:22.872 -> Filesystem image size: 393216
21:37:24.817 -> Filesystem image size: 393216
21:37:24.832 -> EFR32 init
21:37:24.832 -> Rebooting EFR32
21:37:29.054 -> Scanning for efr32 on i2c: 1
21:37:29.054 -> Efr32 version: 5
21:37:29.054 -> Starting BLE Stack
21:37:29.054 -> Starting BLE
21:37:29.054 -> 00:00:08.166000 GKI_create_task func=0x802fd21  id=1  name=BTU  stack=0x0  stackSize=4096
21:37:29.089 -> 00:00:08.174000 GKI_create_task func=0x8031551  id=0  name=HCISU  stack=0x0  stackSize=3072
21:37:29.089 -> Testing BLE Stack: PASSED
21:37:29.163 -> Module Frequency
21:37:29.271 -> EFR32: ready
21:37:29.271 -> Enable efr32 radio
21:37:29.483 -> Network status
21:37:29.697 -> Efr32 version: 5
21:37:33.419 -> swd_management_callback: 21
21:37:33.419 -> swd_management_callback: 0
21:37:33.419 -> swd_application_init
21:37:33.419 -> wiced_bt_ble_set_advertisement_data 0
21:37:33.419 -> swd_management_callback: 23
21:37:33.419 -> Advertisement State Change: 3
21:37:33.419 -> Start Adv: 0
21:37:33.487 -> Testing BLE: PASSED
21:37:33.520 -> TX Power: 31
21:37:33.911 -> swd_management_callback: 33
21:37:43.494 -> Connecting to AP
21:37:43.991 -> Calculating time offset by using the uptime from the weather device: XX-14822
21:37:43.991 -> Device to time offset is 1633678179.
21:37:43.991 -> Setting epoch to 1633851519
21:37:43.991 -> Drift: 0, Update age: 173280
21:37:43.991 -> Saving offset for XX-14822 offset 1633678179
21:37:43.991 -> Calc DCT Metadata: CRC(0x87a8419c) Size(1608) Seq(1600)
21:37:43.991 -> Saving DCT to 0 idx
21:37:44.060 -> 23135: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:37:44.060 -> Writing DCT
21:37:44.097 -> Writing DCT Finished
21:37:44.388 -> Reset obs
21:37:44.388 -> Saving fs object: 538 1
21:37:44.388 -> Obs not current: 1633846599 0
21:37:44.388 -> Saving fs object: 538 71
21:37:44.423 -> Obs not current: 1633846659 0
21:37:44.423 -> Saving fs object: 538 141
21:37:47.787 -> Obs count too low: 1
21:37:47.787 -> Saving fs object: 565 141
21:37:50.763 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:37:50.763 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:37:50.763 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:37:50.763 -> Message: (status/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"device_status","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","timestamp":1633851525,"uptime":173340,"voltage":3.360,"firmware_revision":43,"rssi":-51,"hub_rssi":-45,"sensor_status":0,"debug":0}
21:37:50.763 -> Network is down
21:37:50.803 -> Message: (status/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"device_status","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","timestamp":1633851525,"uptime":173340,"voltage":3.360,"firmware_revision":43,"rssi":-51,"hub_rssi":-45,"sensor_status":0,"debug":0,"rx_offset":0}
21:37:50.803 -> Network is down
21:37:50.803 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846539,0,0.00,0.000000,2.19,3.05,3.76,17,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.803 -> Network is down
21:37:50.845 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846539,0,0.00,0.000000,2.19,3.05,3.76,17,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.845 -> Network is down
21:37:50.845 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846599,0,0.00,0.000000,2.41,4.49,5.72,16,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.845 -> Network is down
21:37:50.870 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846599,0,0.00,0.000000,2.41,4.49,5.72,16,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.870 -> Network is down
21:37:50.870 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846659,0,0.00,0.000000,3.84,4.53,5.63,11,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.870 -> Network is down
21:37:50.904 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846659,0,0.00,0.000000,3.84,4.53,5.63,11,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.904 -> Network is down
21:37:50.939 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846719,0,0.00,0.000000,2.77,3.93,6.21,30,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.939 -> Network is down
21:37:50.939 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846719,0,0.00,0.000000,2.77,3.93,6.21,30,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.939 -> Network is down
21:37:53.690 -> Connecting to AP
21:37:54.219 -> 33132: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:00.761 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:00.761 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:00.761 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:01.575 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"wind_debug","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851536,206,27,0,0,1224,1270,1261,1253,1344,1182,1262,1328,13,1,0,0]}
21:38:01.575 -> Network is down
21:38:01.575 -> Message: (rapid/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"rapid_wind","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851536,1.76,27]}
21:38:01.575 -> Network is down
21:38:03.680 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:04.205 -> 43138: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:10.733 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:10.733 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:10.733 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:13.667 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:14.235 -> 53144: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:20.751 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:20.751 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:20.751 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:20.751 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"wind_debug","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851551,322,355,0,0,1235,1266,1355,1195,1351,1186,1195,1420,13,0,0,0]}
21:38:20.751 -> Network is down
21:38:20.784 -> Message: (rapid/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"rapid_wind","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851551,2.80,355]}
21:38:20.784 -> Network is down
21:38:23.701 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:24.203 -> 63126: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:30.752 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:30.752 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:30.752 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:31.527 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"wind_debug","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851566,295,1,0,0,1223,1276,1280,1240,1345,1174,1192,1380,13,0,0,0]}
21:38:31.527 -> Network is down
21:38:31.527 -> Message: (rapid/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"rapid_wind","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851566,2.91,1]}
21:38:31.527 -> Network is down
21:38:33.696 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:34.231 -> 73131: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:40.739 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:40.739 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:40.739 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:43.679 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:43.864 -> Saving fs object: 566 1
21:38:44.217 -> 83133: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC