Here is the UART output from the hub. I’m curious about when status messages from the sensor are triggered (with rssi value). They don’t seem to get sent regularly.
21:37:20.881 -> Actual DCT Size: 1608
21:37:20.881 -> Loading DCT: 0
21:37:20.918 -> DCT Size: 1608
21:37:20.918 -> Check DCT CRC: b2e86b1b == b2e86b1b
21:37:20.918 -> Loading DCT: 1
21:37:20.918 -> DCT Size: 1608
21:37:20.918 -> Check DCT CRC: 2bb6cb47 == 2bb6cb47
21:37:20.952 -> bootloader crc: 0x603d191c
21:37:20.952 -> Led timeout: 0
21:37:20.952 -> Lut test
21:37:20.952 -> App header size: 34
21:37:20.952 -> Checking LUT ID: 0
21:37:20.952 -> DCT Location: 0
21:37:20.952 -> Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:20.952 -> Checking LUT ID: 1
21:37:20.952 -> DCT Location: 272
21:37:20.989 -> Sector Allocation Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> Sector Start Address: 97
21:37:20.989 -> Sector End Address: 97
21:37:20.989 -> Sector Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> Checking LUT ID: 2
21:37:20.989 -> DCT Location: 306
21:37:20.989 -> Sector Allocation Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> Sector Start Address: 98
21:37:20.989 -> Sector End Address: 98
21:37:20.989 -> Sector Count: 1
21:37:20.989 -> Checking LUT ID: 3
21:37:20.989 -> DCT Location: 102
21:37:21.025 -> Sector Allocation Count: 1
21:37:21.025 -> Sector Start Address: 1
21:37:21.025 -> Sector End Address: 96
21:37:21.025 -> Sector Count: 96
21:37:21.025 -> Checking LUT ID: 4
21:37:21.025 -> DCT Location: 136
21:37:21.025 -> Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:21.025 -> Checking LUT ID: 5
21:37:21.025 -> DCT Location: 170
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:21.062 -> Checking LUT ID: 6
21:37:21.062 -> DCT Location: 442
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Allocation Count: 4
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Start Address: 99
21:37:21.062 -> Sector End Address: 192
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Count: 94
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Start Address: 193
21:37:21.062 -> Sector End Address: 193
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Count: 1
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Start Address: 194
21:37:21.062 -> Sector End Address: 194
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Count: 1
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Start Address: 195
21:37:21.062 -> Sector End Address: 218
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Count: 24
21:37:21.062 -> Checking LUT ID: 7
21:37:21.062 -> DCT Location: 238
21:37:21.062 -> Sector Allocation Count: 0
21:37:21.062 -> Next app_header_entry_t address: 476
21:37:21.062 -> Checking APP1 Entry
21:37:21.062 -> Entry 1 starts at 193
21:37:21.062 -> Entry 2 starts at 194
21:37:21.062 -> Entry 3 starts at 195
21:37:21.062 -> Setting APP 1 size: 491520
21:37:21.062 -> DeviceID: HB-00011307
21:37:21.062 -> DeviceKey: \x6b19105a4065a1a6a7e414e000babf09
21:37:21.062 -> Firmware Version: 170
21:37:21.062 -> Flash Read: UNPROTECTED
21:37:21.062 -> FS start init
21:37:21.062 -> Flash Init: 0x00ef4014
21:37:22.838 -> FS Initialized
21:37:22.838 -> allocated sector count: 8
21:37:22.838 -> Current page idx: 538
21:37:22.838 -> Allocated page count: 1793
21:37:22.838 -> Object count: 7700
21:37:22.838 -> Objects flagged as not sent: 0
21:37:22.838 -> Bad page count: 0
21:37:22.838 -> Bad sector count: 0
21:37:22.838 -> FS initialized: 0
21:37:22.838 -> Device List
21:37:22.838 -> SKY Device: SK-00014822 1633840119
21:37:22.838 -> AIR Device: AR-00016301 1633833968
21:37:22.872 -> Filesystem image size: 393216
21:37:24.817 -> Filesystem image size: 393216
21:37:24.832 -> EFR32 init
21:37:24.832 -> Rebooting EFR32
21:37:29.054 -> Scanning for efr32 on i2c: 1
21:37:29.054 -> Efr32 version: 5
21:37:29.054 -> Starting BLE Stack
21:37:29.054 -> Starting BLE
21:37:29.054 -> 00:00:08.166000 GKI_create_task func=0x802fd21 id=1 name=BTU stack=0x0 stackSize=4096
21:37:29.089 -> 00:00:08.174000 GKI_create_task func=0x8031551 id=0 name=HCISU stack=0x0 stackSize=3072
21:37:29.089 -> Testing BLE Stack: PASSED
21:37:29.163 -> Module Frequency
21:37:29.271 -> EFR32: ready
21:37:29.271 -> Enable efr32 radio
21:37:29.483 -> Network status
21:37:29.697 -> Efr32 version: 5
21:37:33.419 -> swd_management_callback: 21
21:37:33.419 -> swd_management_callback: 0
21:37:33.419 -> swd_application_init
21:37:33.419 -> wiced_bt_ble_set_advertisement_data 0
21:37:33.419 -> swd_management_callback: 23
21:37:33.419 -> Advertisement State Change: 3
21:37:33.419 -> Start Adv: 0
21:37:33.487 -> Testing BLE: PASSED
21:37:33.520 -> TX Power: 31
21:37:33.911 -> swd_management_callback: 33
21:37:43.494 -> Connecting to AP
21:37:43.991 -> Calculating time offset by using the uptime from the weather device: XX-14822
21:37:43.991 -> Device to time offset is 1633678179.
21:37:43.991 -> Setting epoch to 1633851519
21:37:43.991 -> Drift: 0, Update age: 173280
21:37:43.991 -> Saving offset for XX-14822 offset 1633678179
21:37:43.991 -> Calc DCT Metadata: CRC(0x87a8419c) Size(1608) Seq(1600)
21:37:43.991 -> Saving DCT to 0 idx
21:37:44.060 -> 23135: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:37:44.060 -> Writing DCT
21:37:44.097 -> Writing DCT Finished
21:37:44.388 -> Reset obs
21:37:44.388 -> Saving fs object: 538 1
21:37:44.388 -> Obs not current: 1633846599 0
21:37:44.388 -> Saving fs object: 538 71
21:37:44.423 -> Obs not current: 1633846659 0
21:37:44.423 -> Saving fs object: 538 141
21:37:47.787 -> Obs count too low: 1
21:37:47.787 -> Saving fs object: 565 141
21:37:50.763 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:37:50.763 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:37:50.763 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:37:50.763 -> Message: (status/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"device_status","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","timestamp":1633851525,"uptime":173340,"voltage":3.360,"firmware_revision":43,"rssi":-51,"hub_rssi":-45,"sensor_status":0,"debug":0}
21:37:50.763 -> Network is down
21:37:50.803 -> Message: (status/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"device_status","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","timestamp":1633851525,"uptime":173340,"voltage":3.360,"firmware_revision":43,"rssi":-51,"hub_rssi":-45,"sensor_status":0,"debug":0,"rx_offset":0}
21:37:50.803 -> Network is down
21:37:50.803 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846539,0,0.00,0.000000,2.19,3.05,3.76,17,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.803 -> Network is down
21:37:50.845 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846539,0,0.00,0.000000,2.19,3.05,3.76,17,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.845 -> Network is down
21:37:50.845 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846599,0,0.00,0.000000,2.41,4.49,5.72,16,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.845 -> Network is down
21:37:50.870 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846599,0,0.00,0.000000,2.41,4.49,5.72,16,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.870 -> Network is down
21:37:50.870 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846659,0,0.00,0.000000,3.84,4.53,5.63,11,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.870 -> Network is down
21:37:50.904 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846659,0,0.00,0.000000,3.84,4.53,5.63,11,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.904 -> Network is down
21:37:50.939 -> Message: (obs/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846719,0,0.00,0.000000,2.77,3.93,6.21,30,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.939 -> Network is down
21:37:50.939 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"debug_obs_sky","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","obs":[[1633846719,0,0.00,0.000000,2.77,3.93,6.21,30,3.360,1,0,null,0,15]],"firmware_revision":43}
21:37:50.939 -> Network is down
21:37:53.690 -> Connecting to AP
21:37:54.219 -> 33132: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:00.761 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:00.761 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:00.761 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:01.575 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"wind_debug","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851536,206,27,0,0,1224,1270,1261,1253,1344,1182,1262,1328,13,1,0,0]}
21:38:01.575 -> Network is down
21:38:01.575 -> Message: (rapid/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"rapid_wind","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851536,1.76,27]}
21:38:01.575 -> Network is down
21:38:03.680 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:04.205 -> 43138: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:10.733 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:10.733 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:10.733 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:13.667 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:14.235 -> 53144: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:20.751 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:20.751 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:20.751 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:20.751 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"wind_debug","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851551,322,355,0,0,1235,1266,1355,1195,1351,1186,1195,1420,13,0,0,0]}
21:38:20.751 -> Network is down
21:38:20.784 -> Message: (rapid/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"rapid_wind","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851551,2.80,355]}
21:38:20.784 -> Network is down
21:38:23.701 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:24.203 -> 63126: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:30.752 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:30.752 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:30.752 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:31.527 -> Message: (debug/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"wind_debug","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851566,295,1,0,0,1223,1276,1280,1240,1345,1174,1192,1380,13,0,0,0]}
21:38:31.527 -> Network is down
21:38:31.527 -> Message: (rapid/SK-00014822) {"serial_number":"SK-00014822","type":"rapid_wind","hub_sn":"HB-00011307","ob":[1633851566,2.91,1]}
21:38:31.527 -> Network is down
21:38:33.696 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:34.231 -> 73131: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC
21:38:40.739 -> wwd_wifi_join: not ready to transceive (err 1024); left network
21:38:40.739 -> Failed join (err 1024)
21:38:40.739 -> Join Failed: 1024
21:38:43.679 -> Connecting to AP
21:38:43.864 -> Saving fs object: 566 1
21:38:44.217 -> 83133: Event (interface, type, status, reason): WWD_STA_INTERFACE WLC_E_SET_SSID WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC