Wunderground getting wattage for pressure

I had my tempest working with wunderground, but apparently something changed, and it is now picking up the wattage metric for pressure. I don’t know if an update happened or what, but it was working properly, and is now showing the wrong data.

Anyone know how to fix this?

Can you display a screen shot… or a link to your station on Wunderground?

time to look again once new year :champagne: :champagne:has lifted from your brain :slight_smile:
index is below the graph, not above

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On closer inspection, this isn’t an error with the data. I still don’t know why my data … Ah Eric posted just as I was typing this. Yep, definitely New Year’s fogginess. Where’s the graph for that?

Still not sure why WU decided the station is unreliable and removed the extra-special gold star that used to be there, but data has been getting sent without interruption for some time. Not important, as long as the right data is available.


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thats what I was thinking also… that the pressure chart is above the word pressure… not below